"If I'm such a shitty person why did you ever date me in the first place. Even more of a question, why date me for four years? I thought we were good together. Do I have to hunt you across the earth and pin you down and tattoo my name into your neck?"

"You could at least-"

"No. You-"

"Let me speak."

"Let me speak." I snapped. "You're spouting excuses right now. If you felt this way you could have talked to me about it. I don't need some guys balls rubbing up against my bedsheets just because you don't know what I'm thinking. That's next level messed up."

But even as I was speaking I felt a twinge of guilt settle inside me. He wasn't wrong, though, I didn't care. So what right did I have to try to make him feel guilty for cheating on me? Though I'd readily admit any day that the hygiene aspect bothered me. I didn't even want to touch the mattress after their bedtime Olympics in it.

Surely, if anything, me guilt-tripping him and getting mad at him was what he had been seeking for some time, by his own account. So I had no reason to feel bad about putting him on the spot like that, even if it was probably just a method of deflection.

But when I looked from the mattress up at Zackary's face and saw the tears swimming in his eyes eventually tumbling over and down his cheeks I wondered if those were my fault or his fault.

I didn't know what to do.

I felt helpless, like a big giant lumbering around accidentally ruining and breaking things as I attempted to make my way through the dense undergrowth.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, his low voice breaking briefly, making it squeak like a rusty wheel. "I didn't- I don't..."

Terrible, I was a terrible person. Without thinking about it I drew him in close to me and hugged him tightly.

"It's okay." I said quietly.

"It is?" He asked, all the hope in his voice bleeding out into the quiet room.

I frowned, pulling away but keeping my arms around him. "I'm not angry at you-" I quickly amended the sentence; "anymore... But I'm obviously breaking up with you."

I saw the spark of anger in his eyes flash like a sparkler before he shoved me half and I stumbled backwards, my footsteps loud on the hardwood floor. "Fuck you!" He glared at me.

My eyebrows pointed towards the centre of my forehead, my forehead creasing in response. "Why? I'm forgiving you but Zack, of course we're breaking up, why would we stay together after this?"

"Why the fuck do we have to break up!" He screamed at me, more tears threatening to fall from those big brown eyes of his.

There was a brief pause before I recollected myself. "Because... I... Well I don't know, that's what people do. If you cheat on me once what says you won't cheat on me again kind of thing."

He glared at me fiercely. "What's the point in you saying you forgive me if you still want to trash our whole relationship at one little mistake that doesn't even bother you." He stepped forwards and shoved me hard, but my taller form didn't go backwards as easily as maybe he hoped. "I hate you. You want to break up with me? Fine. Clearly you never cared about me. I'll find someone way better than you out there... I..."

I watched him silently as he was marching towards the door and he turned around dramatically but couldn't seem to find the words to slice me in two with.

"You..." He wiped the tears off of his reddened face, seemingly infuriated, and then swung his fist out, swiping the lamp I'd had since the third year of primary school off of the desk beside the door. The poor lamp that had been so resilient for so long, seen so much and survived so many beatings, smashed onto the ground in more than a couple pieces, the wood splintering in every direction like every individual piece had just been waiting for an opportunity to make it's own way in life.

The sound alone was enough to make me believe that he was angry but he still seemed to be convinced I didn't understand.

"I can't stand you." He bit out. "Don't come near me after this. Lose my number." He opened the door. "And lose Mark's number too. Don't contact me or my friends."

I frowned. I've known Mark longer than you, I wanted to add. But it didn't matter, I was convinced he would make sure Mark would be the one sticking to his rule of me not contacting him or his friends. This wasn't up to me.

It was why I tried to call him immediately after but his phone didn't ring, out of battery, as usual. So what did it matter, I would be at the Halloween party tomorrow evening with him and I could explain everything that happened then.

[A/N] Happy Halloween to everyone. Thank you to my patrons who chose this storyline for the Halloween story. (ꈍ ⌣ ꈍㅅ)

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