Chapter Fifteen

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"Then what."

She looked uncomfortable. "Just that you didn't know boundaries when you were drunk."

My face was turning purple I was pretty sure. I was so angry I was almost shaking. "You're trying to tell me he's going around telling people I raped him."

She looked pale as she nodded. "I mean, I don't know what the truth is. I don't want to doubt either of you to be honest. He's not saying you jumped him or anything... just that you didn't understand that he was trying to get away from you when you were drunk and kind of... out of it. And it's not like I don't understand that, if it is true, that you would do that... because it's not... you could have done that easily without knowing you were doing anything wrong."

I was so busy fuming I couldn't properly process the rest of her words. My head was spinning. I needed to sit down but at the same time I wanted to find him and charge at him and smack his head into a wall which would definitely not prove my point.

"I didn't do that shit." I said, my voice shaky and quiet. But it wasn't intentionally that way, I was just trying my best not to scream the words so loudly they'd send me out of here in a straightjacket.

The way she looked at me, I thought she looked like she might believe me, but wasn't comfortable saying that.

"It's... not my business to... like..."

"Anna, I didn't do it." I said, this time more firmly, trying to hold eye contact with here when she was constantly looking to her side.

She said nothing for what felt like the longest half minute.

"I... I've had a really... similar experience. I don't hate him. But it was bad and... just, this isn't something I want to talk about because... it's just-"

I tried to stop her, my heart pounding in my chest. "It's okay, it's okay." I tried to say as she spoke. I didn't know that she had that kind of experience. I felt sick.

"I know how this plays out and how- how it feels like there's just no way for me to... everyone gets hurt, everyone gets hurt and there's no good outcome for this. You know?"

I crouched down, in front of her as she sat on the very end of the couch, trying not to sink backwards into it, and held out my hand.

All of me was relieved when she took it, like it was some kind of marvellous gift because I felt like I'd just dragged the poor woman across the floor interrogating her, being annoyed because she took so long explain what was going on.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know what happened there. You don't need to..." I swallowed. "I just need to tell you, not because you need to believe me, that I did not do this." My voice broke for a second.

She looked me in my eyes and I looked back at her.

"I've never been that drunk around him, the last time I even got drunk was when I thought I was drinking the non alcoholic punch. I'm not like that!"

She said nothing, but an a little imperceptible nod released me. I stood up, feeling embarrassed as I walked away.

But even with the knowledge I had that Zack was going around telling people this it didn't do much for me except that those who knew something were able to give me more details.

He was essentially telling people that I got black out drunk a lot, got home and forced him while he was trying to sleep, and forgot about it in the morning.

A story so chilling and disgusting that I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do. I didn't know how to convince people I didn't do that. I wasn't like that.

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