"Good morning, my sweet. Did you sleep alright?"

Merciful Oz! The proximity, that cheeky grin; how was she supposed to even think, least of all speak!

"Yes? I guess?" she replied shakily, unintentionally teasing a small cackle form Elphaba.

"Woo-hoo! Bold move, blondie!" came Shell's booming voice from the direction of the door.

Glinda froze. She trained her shock-wide eyes on Elphaba's arm and barely breathed. Apparently rather proud of himself and his temerity, Shell strolled across the room and helped himself to something alcoholic from the cabinet. He turned around to raise his glass towards the two girls.

"To new adventures in love," he announced with a smirk so wide his face must have almost split in half.

"Shut up, will ya?"

Elphaba flung a cushion his way but missed by a considerable margin. With the flicker of a rueful smile, she sat up, gently easing Glinda off her chest. Her brother's glee remained undiminished as he leisurely sauntered towards the hallway.

"He's an ass," moaned Elphaba.

Glinda nodded.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

"He's just trying to cover up his own insecurities. You know that, right?"

She supposed she did, but that didn't make her feel all that much better.

Elphaba pushed herself to her feet, then reached for Glinda's hands to pull her up as well.

"How about, um, I get started on breakfast, and you go upstairs to freshen up a bit?"

"Sounds good," agreed Glinda, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She took the long way around, from the parlour to the dining room, and through the kitchen, in an attempt to avoid bumping into Shell again. From the entrance hall, she caught a glimpse of him disappearing into his room and let out a relieved sigh. As quietly as possible, she snuck up the stairs to collect her toiletries and clothes before slipping into the bathroom.

In the shower, she took a moment to process the events of this strange morning. It hadn't all been bad, but certainly intense. She wanted to scrub herself from head to toe in hope that it would cleanse her from all the awkwardness and mortification. She turned the water hotter than she usually preferred, but refrained from dousing her hair. She shouldn't make Elphaba wait that long.

Once the last of the soap had rinsed off her body, Glinda hooked the shower head up, but let the water continue to pour over her skin. She placed her palms on the cool tiles and leaned against the wall. Taking deep breaths and focusing on the pattering sound and the gentle sensation of the drizzling water, she searched for clarity and her own advice. What she came up with wasn't much, but there was one issue she knew she needed to discuss with Elphaba: Sarima.

Everything would be so much easier if only she knew about the exact nature of Elphaba's relationship with the Vinkun girl. Well, at least somewhat easier. She realised that the truth might hurt, but so did not knowing and just watching them being so infuriatingly ambiguous with each other. Beyond that, asking about Sarima might actually help and tip Elphaba off, letting her know that Glinda was not entirely indifferent to the fact that she was close to other girls.

By the time Glinda got to the kitchen, Elphaba was almost finished with her preparations.

"Sit down and start with your coffee before it gets cold," she directed her.

"What about your drink?" wondered Glinda as she did exactly as she was told, cradling the warm cup in her hands.

"I enjoy my coffee the same way I am myself: cold and bitter."

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