Chapter One

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Chapter One

Glinda swallowed hard as she stepped through the revolving door and into the marble and gold-plated foyer of TMB. The hand holding the strap of her purse tightened, freshly manicured, cotton candy pink nails digging into the soft leather. This place was way out of her league. She'd been aware of this when she'd sent in her application. She had not expected a reply, let alone an invitation to an interview. Not really. Yet despite all odds, her phone had rung only two days later, and a young voice with a posh accent had informed her that Mister Tenmeadows was expecting to see her first thing on Wednesday. Initially, Glinda had only managed to nod, but a concerned 'hello?' from the other end of the line had quickly reminded her that she would have to give some sort of verbal confirmation. She'd stuttered a few words of understanding and hung up as soon as possible. After that, she'd collapsed onto her couch, lying immobile for what had seemed like hours.

She'd tried to convince herself that it was her CV that had impressed the manager of the biggest bank in Gillikin, but she suspected that she probably owed the appointment to the charming photo she had attached to her letter – which was an achievement in its own right, of course, yet she much preferred being acknowledged for what was inside her head. But nothing of that mattered now. She was here, and she had to take this chance. If it was her looks that had gotten her this far, so be it. Surely, she would have plenty of opportunities to convince her co-workers and her boss of her competence once she had managed to secure this job.

Glinda nodded to herself. A small gesture of self-encouragement. She quickly scanned the floor and found an information counter next to the lift area. Her chin high and a confident, but sweet smile on her lips, she approached the uniformed lady behind the glass desk.

"Good morning," she said in her most pleasant tone of voice. "My name is Upland, and I have an appointment with Mister Tenmeadows."

The young woman returned her smile with a sharp look. Glinda almost felt like she was giving her a critical once-over. A hint of insecurity crept its way back into her head, and her lips twitched for a moment. The woman mercifully decided to do her job and checked her computer.

"Take the third lift up to the sixth floor and let the receptionist know that you have arrived. She will inform you as soon as Mister Tenmeadows is ready to see you."

She didn't even look up from her screen. Glinda thanked her a little too stiffly and turned away. Waiting for the lift, she released a little sigh.

Upon her arrival on the sixth floor, a cleaner pointed her in the direction of the reception, which was located in front of an unexpectedly cosy-looking waiting room.

"Mister Tenmeadows is still in a meeting," the brunette replied to Glinda's introduction and offered her a coffee.

Surprised, Glinda accepted the hot beverage and took a seat. Over the rim of her paper cup, she watched the woman busily typing away on her keyboard. At least she had been more welcoming than the bimbo downstairs.

After a few minutes, her stomach began to churn. The waiting seemingly had stirred up her nerves again and at a second thought, adding caffeine to the mix might not have been the best of ideas. She distracted herself by watching the people rushing through the hall outside the room. She couldn't help but notice, that the majority of the employees appeared to be attractive, young women. Ridiculously attractive, young women. This could hardly be a coincidence. Very suspicious.

"Miss Upland?"

Glinda's head snapped up.

"Mister Tenmeadows is waiting for you in his office."

The blonde blinked, and the receptionist laughed lightly. "Top floor, the room to the right. You can't miss it."

Nodding and smiling nervously, Glinda made her way back to the lifts.

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