Chapter Three

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Glinda was dressed as for an ordinary day at work. She herself couldn't believe that she really had called in sick, only to have a quick lunch with Elphaba, and the last thing she wanted was for the green woman to find out about it. It was silly, immature, and it wasn't even her own idea. Oh darn, Fiyero!

When the tram approached her usual stop, Glinda shifted in her seat. What if someone saw her? She had half a mind to jump up and get off, but the doors closed again before she could make up her mind to do so. Anxiously, she ran her fingers through her long curls and exhaled. It was too late anyway. Showing up at the office after calling less than two hours earlier would be too awkward. And what excuse would she give Elphaba?

Elphaba. The mental mention of her name brought on a bout of mild nausea. Glinda's stomach couldn't possibly be so in knots because of her? Well, it was reasonable enough to assume that her risky undertaking played at least part in it, but remembering her first encounter with Elphaba, Glinda also recalled the instable nature of her feelings throughout. It had been an experience of push and pull; whenever she had thought she disliked her contrary opposite, she had found something surprisingly endearing about her. And now, in very much the same way, she dreaded to see Elphaba again, about as much as she longed for it.

Half an hour later, the tram stopped at the terminus. The ten-minute break between its arrival and scheduled departure for the return journey was too long for Glinda to ignore her opportunity to alight. She drew a deep breath and gathered her belongings. Time did not allow for further stalling. She wasn't late yet, but that could change quickly, if she didn't set aside her indecision this very moment. There was no way she was going to give Elphaba any fodder for harassment. Luckily, the place she was headed for was just across the street.

Walking past the café's large window, the short blonde hesitated. She couldn't spot Elphaba anywhere. Perhaps, she was running late? What if she had decided not to show up? Would all the trouble and emotional turmoil turn out to have been in vain? The mere idea upset her, no matter how unfounded her sudden worries may still prove to be.

She entered and asked for a table, when someone called her name. Startled, but instantly relieved, she looked around, until she noticed a green and black figure in the farthest corner. Feeling still a little jumped on, she tensely made her way past the other patrons.

The slow pace allowed her to gauge the situation before she arrived at the table. Elphaba's outfit was not as outlandish this time, and Glinda had to admit, that the simple black suit was indeed quite becoming on her. To her disappointment, however, the sleek, black hair had been forced into an austere bun. It made Elphaba look unnecessarily severe, considering her already sharp and prominent facial features.

"Hi," she said and mustered a nervous smile.

Elphaba seemed amused.

"Good seeing you again, blondie."

She fluttered her fingers in the direction of the empty chair, and Glinda took a seat.

"I admit, I was somewhat surprised when you actually contacted me. I thought you must have snapped out of your temporary madness and thought better of it."

Tilting her head, Glinda crossed her arms.

"Well done, Miss Thropp. Barely one minute into our lunch, and I already can't even figure out which of us you intended to insult."

"It seems we are off to a good start then," Elphaba laughed, almost cackled.

There was a brief pause, which Glinda purposefully tried to bridge by picking up a menu.

"Shall we order then?"

Despite it being their busiest hour, the experienced café staff handled everything swiftly, and their food arrived within less than ten minutes.

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