Family Reunion

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As the couple was heading out the door, a phone started to ring.

"Whose phone is that?" Belinda questioned as both she and her husband danced around patting down pockets and looking through her handbag trying to find their phones. Belinda finally found it and looked at the screen,

"Who is it?" Steve asked as he realised it was his wife's phone.

"I don't know, it's an unknown number" she stated. Without thinking about it anymore, she answered.


"Hello, mother" a slightly familiar voice came through the phone.

"I'm back..." it sang eerily before hanging up suddenly. Belinda looked shocked and slightly scared, staring down at the phone as she brought it away from her ear.

"Not possible," she whispered before collapsing in the conveniently placed chair behind her.

"What happened? Who was it?" Steve frantically asked as he rushed over to his wife. She only needed to say one word for his face to suddenly go so pale he looked like a ghost.


They were too shocked to go out as theyd planned, and since it was getting late by the time, they got over the shock, they went to bed. Later that night, at about 1 am, both Steve and Belinda were woken by a very loud BANG! They both jumped out of bed.

"What was that?" Belinda asked with a slight quiver in her voice.

"I have no ide-" Before Steve could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by another loud BANG! coming from the direction of the lounge room where the front door was.

"Lets check it out," Steve said before quickly shuffling out of the bedroom and towards the front door. Belinda tried to protest but knowing it was no use she quietly ran after him. Hesitantly, he opened the door and stood there for a second shocked, before throwing himself at the unknown person standing in the doorway and pulling them into a tight hug.

"Who is it?" Belinda whispered not coming out from behind the couch a couple of meters away from the door.

"Who else could it be? Hello mother." The now identifiable person at the door replied as she shoved Steve off her.

"Wh-what are you doing here, Lilith?" Belinda stuttered as she quietly questioned the young girl.

"Why Im here to see my beloved parents," she said sarcastically, emphasizing beloved.

"Come in. Stay the night." Steve said quickly before his wife could make any rude comments.

"Please," he begged.

"Its late and Im sure youre tired. We kept your bedroom exactly the same." He gestured for her to follow him as she whispered sarcastically, so quiet so that neither could hear,

"Just Peachy."

A few hours later, Lilith sat, still wide awake in the middle of her childhood bed, while Belinda and Steve were slumbering peacefully. Her eyes kept darting between her bedroom door and the pink Barbie alarm clock she was obsessed with when she was 10 years old. As soon as the clock ticked over to 4 am, Lilith stood up from the bed and walked down the hall into her parents room. She stood there staring down at them for a short moment, only being able to see them because of the sliver of moonlight peeking into their bedroom through the curtains. Soon, she walked over to her mother and lifted her off the bed by her throat. Belinda only had enough time for her eyes to snap open before they both disappeared in a short, bright, flash of light. As soon as the light disappeared, Steve awoke with a start, looking wildly around the room for whatever had woken him before realising his wife wasnt next to him in bed.

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