cooking🍋(not really, but hey, comes close)

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I woke up in the morning g without the feeling of Aizawas warm arms wrapped around me. I sat up, looking around and getting out of bed. The smell of eggs and bacon wages through the apartment. I walked out of Aizawas bed room and into the kitchen where he stood in a pair of black pants, his hair back in a bun and no shirt. I lifted my self into the counter next to the coffee pot, grabbing a mug and filling it with the warm black liquid. I poured some of the sweet cream and sugar into it, stirring lightly and sipping. Aizawas turned towards me, standing between my legs and reaching into the cupboard above my head in order to grab plates. My face turned beat red as he kisses my head lightly.
"morning sleepy head~" His voice was deep and still filled with sleep. He walked back over to the stove, putting eggs and bacon on the plates and bring in them over to where I was sitting. He handed me one of the plates and sat on the counter next to me with his plate, hand in me a fork from the drawer between his legs. I felt my self blush again, leaning my head against his shoulder and eating my food lightly.
He chuckled lightly in his deep voice. My blush deep end and I smiled, looking over at him. He kisses my head again, smiling. We both eat our food, staying silent for the time being.
As we finish, Aizawa gets off the corner, taking my palter and putting it in the sink. I was about to get off the counter my self, but ended up being lifted off of the counter and my legs are wrapped around his waist. He carries me out to the couch and lays me down, kissing me softly as he lays on top of me.
I kiss back, enjoying the softness of his lips against my own. He lifts up my shirt lightly, slipping his hand underneath untill the sound of a knock rang through the apartment. Aizawa got up, going to the door and telling me to go into the bed room. I did as I was told, shtig the door to his bed room and sitting on the bed. The familiar sound of Bakugous voice rang clear through the apartment. His loud angry foot steps. Rang though the air. I laid down on the bed, closing my eyes slowly and opening them again. As i do this a couple times, I heard Bakugou complaining about having detention. I check I chuckled lightly at this, knowing how Bakugou always found something to complIn about. I rolled on to my side, looking out the window next to the bed and down at the street. I hadn't even noticed when the door opened and Aizawa came in to grab a shirt. It wasn't until he planted a kiss on my head that I noticed him. He walked ot if the room with a black tee-shirt on. I sat up on the bed, grabing one if his shirts and pulling it on and looking in the mirror. His shirt was too big for me, fitting more like a dress then a shirt. I twirled around a couple times before stopping and silencing myself at the sound of someone in the bathroom right next door. I sat on the floor next to the wall, listening. Bakugou was in there, I could tell by the angry way things were being moved around and such. I started drifting off to sleep and crawled over to the bed, hopeing to get more comfy.
As I wake up, I felt the familiar feeling of his arms wrapped around my waist and his bare chest being pressed to my back. I turned around in his arms and saw an awake Aizawa looking at me. He seemed tired, like he wanted to fall asleep. Bakugou was no longer heard. I whispered to Aizawa, asking if Bakugou was still here
"No, he left before lunch. I came in here to tell you he had left and you must have fallen asleep. So I cuddeled" He finished this remarkable with a kiss on my head, making me blush deeper.I smiled as a snuggle into his warm chest. The skin was hot to the touch and soft. It seems to relax me immediately. I listened to his heart beat, a constant thing that meant life or death, but as long as it was beating, he was alive. And that made me even happier. I looked up at the man as he smiled down at me. I couldn't believe how far I had come with this. Just a week and a couple days ago, I was covering bruises with foundation and learning how to hide when father was drunk. Now, I'm living the life I always wanted to. I have men who care about.... No.... Lie me. I'm not being beaten everyday. I'm being given actual food. This.... This is the life I wanted... I slow drifted back to sleep, pressing myself against his chest as if I wasn't close enough to him. He kisses my head one last time and I fell asleep oncemore in his arms.

Shota Aizawa x reader x Yamada Hizashi x Yagi ToshinoriWhere stories live. Discover now