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as renjun walked by the lower deck, he felt chills run down his spine, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and goosebumps became visible on his pale skin. ever since their last conversation of the weird feeling on the ship, renjun hasn't stopped thinking about it. though he dismissed the topic in front of everyone, he still felt odd about the whole thing.

he decided to search the ship for anything suspicious but drew a blank. he had been searching for nearly two hours. it took him so long because he was searching high and low, in every tight corner, in every open space. he just knew there was going to be something waiting for him- something that needed to be found. 

throughout his journey, a specific pair were keeping a tight look on him, following his every move from camera to camera, from room to room. renjun was clearly nosy and curious and would not stop until he's found something. this is obviously trouble for the pair as it could get in the way of their plans. they need to keep a close eye on him and prevent him from looking any further. 

renjun walked slowly and carefully around the area. it was dim and he didn't know if this place was occupied. the last thing he needed was to stumble across a person or knock things over and make it clear that he was snooping. but as luck had it, a bright light shone on him in an instant causing his pupils to dilate and him jump back in fear and cover his eyes. when it was safe to look again, renjun composed himself and was met with the face of the captain. 

he chuckled awkwardly and avoided the captain's eyes. "renjun, was it?" the captain spoke. renjun nodded, still not daring to look at him nor confess why he was there. "not that this place is prohibited but we usually like our guests to stay on the top deck"

renjun chuckled once again but this time, he got prepared to lie. his friends back at home used to tell him that he was a naturally good liar so he was going to put that to the test. "i understand. i just got curious and wanted to see every inch of this place. it's not everyday that you win a free cruise. i just got a little excited is all"

the captain nodded and ushered for renjun to leave and he did just that, probably too quickly for comfort. he was going to the top deck but not before doing a double check on the places he'd already searched. renjun had a gut feeling all of a sudden, like he needed to run now if he wanted to get out of there safe and sound. he felt like he was being watched and the person was furious. it scared him to the core and he did not want to be alone right now.

he sprinted out of lower deck and didn't stop running for his life until he saw another one of the guys- the one being mark. he placed his hands on mark's shoulders instantly to stop him from going somewhere. renjun was panting and small beads of sweat was running down his forehead. his knees gave out and he leaned against mark as he struggled to regain his breath and strength. he kept looking behind to see if someone was chasing him and to see if he still felt that weird feeling from before.

he missed the way mark stared down at him confused but that was the least of his concern at the moment. whatever that was back there, renjun knew he didn't want to experience it ever again. after two minutes passed, renjun had calmed down and stood up. luckily, mark hadn't said anything that would make him feel judged while he was having a mental breakdown and rethinking his life decisions. 

"mark! mark!" he shook him, which mark didn't find pleasing. "i was so scared. i don't know what happened. my heart was racing"

"woah, woah" mark interrupted him and held his shoulders instead. "you're not making any sense. where were you?"

"in the lower deck. warning, don't go down there. the vibes were not it" renjun explained.

"okay" mark stiffled a chuckle since renjun was freaking out moments ago but the latter made a joke out of the situation without even realizing it. "and what did you see?"

"that's the thing- i didn't see anything" renjun began but cut himself short. "well Yixing was there and he told me to get back up here but i didn't listen right away and then i felt someone or maybe even something staring at me. i thought i was going to die"

"well for starters, stop exploring this place. i thought we all agreed to put our suspicions behind us. let's get back to the group before something actually happens and you get hurt" mark told him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder as they walked back to the room where everyone was. 

the way renjun was freaking out earlier- he had never seen him like that. renjun wasn't one to freak out. he would stay calm, sometimes even the voice of reason, but he never got like that no matter the situation. whatever this was, mark wasn't liking it one bit. well, maybe just a tiny bit if a certain someone was included in "this". though mark couldn't tell anyone about this. not only had the group agreed to just enjoy their time here, but renjun would kill him if he ever told someone that he had freaked out. 

the pair arrived to the main room but no one seemed to notice their entrance since they were busy doing their own thing. mark led renjun to the center of the room where they both crouched down and tried to busy themselves like the rest of them and keep their minds off of things. a couple minutes passed when jaemin appeared at mark's side, crouching down next to him and crossing his legs to make himself comfortable. 

"hey" jaemin smiled, earning one in return. "i got bored and decided to draw and since i'm in advanced art, i like to challenge myself. i usually draw realism to get a lot of practice since that's what i mostly struggle with but i needed something to draw and i wasn't getting any inspiration from anything here. but then you walked in and i thought that maybe you could let me draw you" 

though jaemin was rambling, mark didn't mind. it gave him a chance to know him a little better than before. "yeah, you can draw me" mark smiled warmly. 

"okay! i need you to look at me the whole time though so that i can capture every feature correctly" jaemin explained, hiding the blush on his face as he grabbed his sketchbook and pencil from the counter and placed it on his lap.

"not a problem" mark retorted. "i do have a beautiful sight after all"

jaemin burned red at the smooth compliment he got. mark smiled at the reaction he got even though jaemin was trying to cover himself. he cleared his throat and told mark to hold one pose and when he chose a pose, he started sketching. he started with the basics, drawing the shapes of his face just like his teacher instructed every time. then he made mark's features using those guidelines. he stared intensely at mark's face and blushed when mark sent a wink his way.

helping jaemin with his art helped keep mark's mind off of everything. he didn't feel worry, he felt butterflies in his stomach instead. he didn't feel scared, he felt safe. he didn't feel anxious, he felt carefree. and the fact that jaemin felt inspiration from him didn't help the butterflies in him. he was glad that jaemin was there or else he would have pulled a renjun. 

time passed and jaemin revealed his drawing to him. he said it wasn't finished since he still needed to add value to it but mark loved it nonetheless. he complimented it about a hundred times, telling jaemin that he was a natural born artist and that it looked amazing. jaemin was extremely delighted that mark liked it since he got self conscious along the process and got scared that mark wouldn't like it or that he would get mad for wasting his time if the artwork turned out to be awful. but nope, mark was pleased with the drawing.

"they're happy. too happy"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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