A New Start

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3rd Person View

'Whoa... What happened...' You thought as your vision was blurred. You couldn't really make out where you until your sight cleared and your head stopped spinning. Realising you were in a temple of some sort, you were approached by a woman in hooded, orange robes while layingona bench. She seemed quite young for a priestess but a pretty one at that.

"Easy." She said softly. "Not too quick."

You sat up almost instantly but still feeling a little woozy. "Where am I?" You ask.

"Temple of the Divines. A young boy found you unconscious at the side of the road not for from the farm. He asked a legionnaire to help you so he brought you here." As you listen to every word she says, you realise that you are not wearing anything except a loincloth covering your private parts. It all made sense of where you were now: Temple of the Divines, Legionnaire... you couldn't mistake it for anything other than Solitude, the capital city of Skyrim.

"If I may ask: Where are my clothes?"

"You didn't have any when you arrived, just the tenders between your legs. I... was the one who covered you." She blushed a deep rose red.

"Thank you. Umm... this might sound like an odd question but... can I have some clothes?" You asked embarrassingly.
She smirked then handed you a brown cloth top and trousers with leather boots. In an act of gratitude, you promised the first 100 septims you make would come straight to her and the temple.

Before leaving, the woman stops you and asks for your name.
"Anything you like, sweetheart." You winked and continued on your journey. As you were walking past the guards in training, you were approached by an Imperial in leather imperial armour near the central fire pit.

"You there! I'd like to speak to you." He yelled as you stopped in your tracks, looked around and pointed to yourself in confusion. "I'm the one that brought you in. I don't know what drugs you were on but you were lucky to survive AND to have your testicles still attached."

"Yeah, thanks. I made a promise to deliver the 100 gold to the temple as an appreciation but I need work. Is there any jobs going around?"

"Speak with Captain Aldis, he should have something for you or speak to Legate Rikke if you want to join the Legion. Since you can sleep naked in the open world, then you should definitely not be afraid of combat." He laughed.

You sat down for a moment by the fire and thought about what to do. You knew the state Skyrim was in but you weren't the Dragonborn. For all you knew, the Dragonborn was on the side of the Stormcloaks and would decimate the Empire. You look at Aldis in the distance training the guards, then the door to General Tulius' quarters and his officers whom were no doubt planning the next attack on Ulfric and his forces. The Imperial sits next to you and let's you think.

"I think - for now - I'll remain freelancer and take Aldis' odd jobs."

"Are you sure? The rebels might think you're on our side. And we don't protect freelancers."

"It's okay. I just need a weapon."

"And armour. Clothes can't protect you any better than a piece of treated leather or tempered steel."

"I'll find some. Can the legion spare a sword?"

"I don't think so. If your pockets are empty, then I think there's a blacksmith around the corner who you could help get things started. Bierand is quite generous with rewards when helped. He's a better place to start."

"I'll take it." You stand up and thank him for the advice before walking away. As time passed, Bierand was grateful for the help and out of the 10 steel daggers you made. He let you keep 2 on top of coin purse carrying 50 septims (50◇) as a reward.
"Is there anymore work to be done?"

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