•Chaper 1•

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A/n hey guys its me again. I've decided to make a new book. And here it is hope you like it. But maybe for the first chapter or so you won't see LouSo byee)



   Y/n is a beautiful, sweet smart but shy girl, but she also knows how to speak up when needed. She practically spends most of her time at home technically she stays home her whole life. She never goes out, she don't want to go to her friend's parties, she's always disconnected from her phone and she's home schooled too. She's also an only child so it her parents thought that its kinda odd for her to not get lonely being cooped up on a huge house, and also she's not a spoiled brat not like most kid . Her family also owns a huge company that she will run one day.

(Y/n's POV)

   I was at my room doing my regular routine such a reading, drawing, painting, cooking, and every thing that's involved not going out of the house. And I also love cleaning, even though we have maids.

   My parents always calls my their little Rapunzel. Not that I have long hair but because I don't go out that much. They always say that one day I will grow out of it. But I think their wrong. Its not like I have problems with other people or have xenophobia or something ,but I just wanna live inside where its perfectly safe. I guess.

   I was constantly reading my f/b (favorite book) when I hear someone knock on my door. "Come in." I said still reading.

   "Excuse me, miss. But your father wishes you to come down." One of our maids said calmly.

   Honestly I don't like it when people calls me 'miss' or 'madam' especially when their older. It makes me older than my real age. And I know cause I'm only 16. "Tell him I'll be down in a sec." I said and she nodded.

   She was about to close the door when I stopped her "Yeah and by the way-" I paused for a second thinking of what to say.

   "Hmph! Anything else miss?" She asked.

   "Yes.. You don't have to call me miss you know. Y/n will just fine." I said sounding a bit demanding but pushing in a small smile.

   "Yes. Of course. Y/n.. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." She said. She sounded a bit nervous when I said that she can call me by my real name, but I'm use to it I always say that to every person in the house.

    Anyway I put back the book to its shelf and ran down to see my dad. He was already having lunch with my mom flitting as usual. Leaving me a bit disgust and feeling a bit weird.

   "Ahem!?" I said a bit angry probably I wasn't comfortable seeing them like that.

   "Oh sweetheart.. There you are I was about to say to Claire to call you again." My mom said as I sit to the other side of the table. Clair is kinda my personal maid around here.

   "So..why do you want me here again?" I said sounding kind of awkward while placing a food on my plate.

    "Well sweetheart we have an announcement to make." My dad said proudly.

     I gasped "Really?! Is this the day where I finally got to run the company." I said hopefully. My parent paused for a second as I looked at then suspiciously.

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