Omake: Birthday Special

Start from the beginning

Ieyasu looked at Tsuna again and had a great idea. "Hey Tsuna-nii! Let's celebrate at your house! I'm tired of Mom's party so... can we?"

"I d-don't know. Xanxus-nii and the others just arrived 4 days ago to celebrate his birthday and you know how much he despise you." Tsuna cringed in fear remembering the day of the conflict. It was really scary.

Ieyasu cringed in fear, too, but continued nonetheless. "I-i know b-but still." He begged with his own version of puppy eyes then whispered something in Tsuna's ears.

After hearing what Ieyasu has to say, Tsuna smirked which the guardians found creepy, scary, and unusual. Tsuna continue on with a smile and said. "I'll try."


"Then it's settled then. We'll celebrate at Tsuna-san's house." Haru said.

"I'll bring the sushi!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Tch. Imposing Juudaime for a stupid birthday." Gokudera mumbled and Ieyasu smirked.

"So, how was Bianchi-nee's birthday, Hayato?" Tsuna suddenly asked.

Gokudera suddenly curled up. "A-aneki..."


"A-aneki... baked the cake and..." Gokudera's eyes suddenly darkened. "and forced me to eat it."

Everybody gave him a sympathetic look . Poor Gokudera... having a hard time facing Bianchi's fury.


"Like I care about your master's birthday, turf-top!"

Even though Gokudera said that, Both Tsuna and Ieyasu deadpanned and mentally screamed. 'I totally forgot!'

"Haha! Now that you think about it, today's the kid's birthday too!"

"It's about time you remembered." A sudden voice said.

Tsuna and Ieyasu nervously turned around to face the newcomer. They know this voice very well.

"Reborn! I never thought I'd see you here" Ieyasu is now sweating bullets.

"Hi Reborn!" Tsuna waved at the hitman. Seeing the two like this, Reborn smirked. And when Reborn smirks, bad things happen. And when bad things happen, Tsuna and Ieyasu is always involved.

"Hn. I think I'm going to enjoy this year's birthday after all." And the both started running.

"Juudaime!/Tsuna! Iey!/ EXTREME RUN!" And these three followed suit.

Haru puffed his cheeks. "Those boys..."

Kyoko smiled then looked at the gift she's holding. "Reborn-kun! Happy Birthday!"

"Reborn-san Happy Birthday!"

"H-happy B-birthday..."

"Hn thanks. Now, if you excuse me, I've got things to settle."


"Tadaima!" Tsuna said as he stepped inside the house.

"Okaeri Tsu-chan~!" Lussuria welcomed him from the kitchen. "How's school?"

"Fine." Tsuna replied before going to the kitchen himself. And when Lussuria saw him, he immediately panicked and hugged him…tightly "Oh my God! Tsu-chan! What happened to you?"

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