Chapter 19: Bike Racing

Start from the beginning

"I believe it's just a voting thing. I don't think Duncan expects us to stick around all the time. Besides, I rather not be in an alliance with them if it involves voting my queen off," He replied as he continues to work on his bike.

"I see, anyway your bike looks nice," I said.

"Thanks. I have always been a big fan of making bikes," he replied.

Lindsay then left to work on her bike. I continue talking with Kevin after she left.

Kevin just then finished his bike right before the loudspeaker went off.

"Campers! Time to judge your bikes, put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the can't center," Chris said.


Kevin's P.O.V

We all gathered around for Chris to judge.

"Excellent aerodynamics Heather," Chris commented. I smirked to myself knowing she didn't build it herself.

"It only weighs two ounces." Heather bragged.

"Like her brain," Gwen commented with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Spooky yet practical. Well done." Chris commented.

Chris judged the rest of the bikes, some better than others.

"Where's Izzy and Leshawna?" Chris asked.

We all shrugged not knowing where they went.

"Oh well, their loss cause this is where it gets good. We're gonna race these babies."

"Awesome, because my bike is built for speed, right Lindsay?" Heather asked.

"Totally." Lindsay smiled.

"Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather. You'll be switching bikes. Yeah, cruel twist huh? Alrighty then, see you at the beach."


We all gather by the beach.

"Okay, here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility."

I ended up with Gwen's bike.

"Now, before we start has anyone seen Leshawna or Izzy?" Chris asked.

No one answered. We are all positioned at the starting line.

"Okay racers, on your marks, get set, paramedics on stand by. GO!" Chris said.

We all took off as fast as we could. All of it was fine until the bike fell apart. This caused Geoff, DJ, and Heather to all crash. Only four other bikes were able to finish.


We relocated to where the race for invincibility was going to take place. Me, Gwen, DJ, and Geoff sat where we could see but not get in the way.

"Campers, welcome to the motor cross challenge. Using your own bikes, you'll race the course avoiding hidden pitfalls. Cue the deathtraps!" Chris called.

"There's dodging the landmines, maneuvering through the oil slick, and finally jumping the piranhas." Chris said."Oh, and one more thing. The first one to cross wins invincibility, the last one to cross gets voted off the island. No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow."

"Racers, take your position. And.... go!" Chris said.

We watched them race through the course. Heather ended up in first, which I was the only one happy about. Lindsay then came in second cheering behind her.

"We're safe!" Lindsay cheered.

"That's not exactly true. Heather is safe because her bike crossed the line first but since Duncan and Owen wiped out and didn't complete the race, they technically didn't cross the line at all, which makes you the last one to cross the line which means it's the dock of shame time baby."

"Okay, I am so confused." Lindsay blinked.

"It means I can't save you unless I give you my invincibility. But I can't do that. Too risky. You understand." Heather began walking off.

"But I won, I even built your bike," Lindsay said.

"Hehe. I don't know what she's talking about. You should just leave with your dignity intact. It would make you seem much more cuter in the instant replays."

"But we were going in the final three together."

"Guess we're not."

"Aren't you even sad? We're BFF's."

"Yeah, for the contest. I mean it's not like we're gonna be best friends for life or anything."

"I can't believe you just said that. But we pinkie swore. You mean, I've been helping you all this time and you didn't even like me."

"Uh, truth? Not really, no. What? We're not here to make friends, we're here to become celebrities remember?"

"Ooh, that's cold, bruh," Duncan said.

"Oh like you're such a team player. All you do is go around scaring the snot out of everyone." Heather commented.

"At least I'm straight with people."

"Whatever, I have invincibility. No one can touch me."

"This week," Gwen added with a glare.

I glared back at Gwen.

Lindsay started saying things about Heather I didn't like. Which was making super mad so I decided to make her pay by pulling her hair.

/Kevin: I will admit me pulling her hair was rude but she upset me by talking about my queen./

Lindsay hugs every goodbye at the Dock of shame. "Good luck, Heather I hope you get everything your karma owes you. Kevin, you're a nice guy so I hope you realize how horrible Heather is and dump her instead of always protecting her. Okay, I'm ready," Lindsay said who wasn't even sad.

I and Heather walk off as the rest of the group waves goodbye.


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