"My name is Lena. I work for you, I'm one of your managers. And your- good friend." I spoke slowly, watching the expression on Austin's face twist with confusion.

"Lena."  My name rolled off his tongue as he softly said it under his breath.

"I'm sorry but I- I don't know you." He shook his head as if he were trying to remember who I was.

"It's okay. Just take it easy ba- Austin." I placed my hand on his once again, his eyes darting to our skin grazing against each other.

It was as if he felt something when we touched and was trying to make sense of why we felt so drawn to each other.

"If you work for me, and we're friends, why don't I know who you are?" He sighed, furrowing his brows allowing my hand to continue to rest on top of his.

"I think you have some sort of amnesia Austin." I said quietly, as I swallowed hard. "You had a pretty bad concussion."

"Look I don't mean to be rude but that's absurd.. I don't feel any different." He shook his head. "I'm home in Utah, I'm about to start my Hollywood's Bleeding tour, I recognized my buddies, Adam and Smitty. This just doesn't make any sense." He rambled on, trying to figure out how it was possible to lose something he felt like he still had.

"Austin you're awake!"

I heard Vanessa's voice from behind me as she walked through the door, Dre by her side.

"Hey V. Yeah I'm hanging in there." He chuckled as he instantly recognized her without any hesitation. "Lucky to be alive."

"My boy! You gave us quite a scare! We are all so happy you are awake buddy. And with just a few scratches and bruises.  You're definitely a lucky man." Dre exclaimed as he excitedly rushed to his friends side, giving him a handshake as Austin was much too weak to sit up straight.

"Thanks man. I'm happy too." He gave him a warm smile, having no remberance of his anger towards him early this morning before the accident. "Does anyone know where I was going?"

Vanessa and Dre exchanged glances before their eyes both went to me, as I was the only person to see Austin this morning. Neither of them knew his memory was compromised and they both looked as confused as he was.

"You were going to get cigarettes. You smoked your last Camel Crush and was just making a run to the store." I said to him as his eyes squinted just barely.

"You saw me before the accident?" He asked softly, his eyes shooting over to me.

"Well of course she did. You both-" Vanessa started to answer before I swiftly stopped her.

"-were up early." I cut in, nothing wanting her to spill the beans that we only wake up to each other in the same bed nearly every morning.

"V you have a minute?" I mumbled, wanting to pull her aside before she said anything too revealing.

She nodded to me, giving me a strange look as I gestured for her to follow me out of the room.

He said nothing as his eyes began to shift from Vanessa to me with a heavy look of curiousity in his eyes.

"Uh Vanessa, Austin doesn't- he doesn't remember me." The words left an after taste as they spilled from my mouth once we reached the hallway.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about Lee?" Vanessa voiced her frets as she began to panic probably just as much as I did.

"He um- seems to remember everyone but me." I hung my head, almost in defeat as my frustration grew by the second.

"We need to talk to his doctor." A sudden realization fell over me as I was much too busy internally freaking the fuck out to even bring this to the attention of the medical staff.

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now