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1. Tiredness All DAY, Lack of Energy to do Normal Daily Tasks

2. Increased Appetite, Weight Gain

3. Craving Carbohydrates

4. Lose all motivation to Work, Exercise, Be Social and Do the Activities you Normally Love.

5. Feelings of overwhelming Sadness, Numbness, Irritability, Aggression

6. Increased anxiety

7. Increased Sleep but Low-Quality Rest

8. Issues Staying Focused

9. Menstrual Irregularities

10. Lack of Emotional Connection to Your partner, or Overly Emotional, Clingy, and or Seeking A Partner for Emotional Support that You are Lacking

11. Low Sex Drive

12. Letting Hygiene Slip

13. Ignoring Self-Care

14. Ignoring Friends and Family

15. Feelings of Worthlessness or hopelessness


1. You Have to Recognize and Admit that You Have A Problem that Needs Addressed to Improve Quality of Life.

2. Become Aware of the Symptoms and be prepared for when they Strike

3. Begin A Habit of Exercising Before Seasonal Changes, Healthy Habits help Battle Mood Disorders as well as the Weight Gain that Follows

4. Exercise Daily- Even a 20-minute walk around your Office or Bedroom Room Morning and Evening will help improve your mood drastically.

5. Create a Habit of Stretching when You Wake and Before You sleep, this can be Done in Bed.

6. Re-search Light Therapy, Light Therapy Boxes for Your Home, a Technique that Has been Proven to Help Improve Seasonal Mood Disorders

7. Stay Connected with Family and Friends. Create an Action Plan to Check-In, Do Lunch Dates, Go for Dinner, Do Some Yoga, or anything that will help to produce your Happy Chemicals.

8. Make an Action Plan to Combat and Change Unhealthy Habits, it takes 21 Days to form a Solid Habit, So You better Get Moving Before Those Leaves Start Falling.

9. Create an Action Plan to Learn and Adapt Healthy Habits

10. Invest in Becoming A Healthier, Happier You. Get A Life Coach to help You Create Healthier Habits and Meet Your Short- and Long-Term Goals.

I don't care if you Hire Me as Your Coach, or if You Hire Someone Else that Better Fits Your Needs. Cut Out a Few Bad Habits like Eating Out, Starbucks, and Excessive Drinking and put that extra Cash towards becoming the Best Version You Can Be. I had a life-coach, without her I would have never of Changed my Habits, nor Realized My True Calling.

11. Journal Your Feelings and the Triggers so you can create a Plan of Action to Overcome those Triggers

*I became a Creative Writer when My High School English Teacher assigned a Semester of Journaling Everything I felt, saw that Impressed me, Memories, and so on. Learning to channel those feelings into pages saved my life, and to this day still does.

12. It is especially Important to choose Healthier Meal Options. Food Fuels Our Bodies. What we Eat is What we Are!

13. Speak to Your Doctor. Anti-Depressants are an effective Way to Treat Seasonal Mood disorders.

14. Get Some Essential Oils and add to Your Bath in the Evening, Add Oil Containers around your house, or Jewelry created for Essential Oils. Aromatherapy has been known to combat Seasonal Disorders because the oils influence an area of the brain responsible for controlling moods.

*I use this technique often. My Happy Chemicals Flow When I have Fall Scented Candles lit, and oils burning.

15. Keep A Clean House Schedule. Your Bedroom is Your Place of Peace, Mindfulness, and Rest. An Unorganized Space Will Most assuredly bring on unneeded Anxiety.

a. * -Another habit I have Formed to Combat my Everyday Depression and Anxiety, as well as Seasonal Mood Changes. There are days when I want nothing more than to Sleep, so I have Created a Daily and Weekly Cleaning Schedule to Keep my Personal Space at Peace.

16. Get Outside and Feel the Sunshine on Your Skin, Even if for 10 Minutes a Day. Open Your Window Shades and Let the Light into Your Home.

17. Create and Stick to A Daily Schedule.

18. Get More Vitamin D. Low Levels of Vitamin D are linked to Season Affective Disorder.

19. Talk to Your Close Friends, Family, Life Coaches, Trainers, and Doctors. Talking about A Struggle is a Much-Needed Release that We All Need from Time to Time.

20. Write Down A List of Goals You Want to Accomplish Over Winter and Create a Plan of Action.

So, there you have it, symptoms, and treatments all in one short article. Learning new things every day keeps us fresh, educated, positive, and creates an overall feeling of accomplishment. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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