The real story

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Third person point of view

Kai is just a 9 years old kid back then, he is so stubborn like a normal kid, but one day he sees jennie's dad and her mom get to the car, he's so confused that time that he want to come, so he asked jennie's older sister to come to him

"Hey, you are jennie's, unnie right?" a twelve years old irene, older sister of jennie just nod to him

"I see your dad with my mom kissing, can you help me find them, mom car keys is here" kai put the keys in irene's hand, and because irene is so persisitent to know it she grabbed the keys and start the car

Irene can drive, because her dad taught her at a young age, but because kai is so naughty that time he try to move the steering wheel, because of panic irene step to gas pedal, she got confused of where is the break and the gas

Their car accelerates, and they hit a tree, kai get unconsious, when he wake up he see irene bloody head in the steering wheel, he doesn't know what to do, he got off the car and called for help, at that time kai is so helpless

He see jennie crying, its her bestfriend, he felt guilty in that moment and he didn't know how to face jennie anymore, he see his mom with jennie's dad, the man has no emotion in his eyes, his mom looked guilty as him

His mom is so famous in the industry, so many camera's are in his mom, they forget about the accident and focus more in his mom

Kai just walked not minding the camera flashes behind him, he sit in the sand and cry as much he can, he feel that someone is in his side, kyungsoo who is 10 years old back then punch him in the face, he cry even more not because of how painful is the punch, he cry because he felt guiltier

"How can you do that to my noona?!" kyungsoo is fuming mad about kai, but he hugged him too, kyungsoo know how he felt, and he know that kai did it because he's curious

"I contact you after 18 years,be ready i will have a challenge to you, i cant easily forgive you, but you're the bestfriend of my sister, so please take responsibility to her" kai just nod, and they go to the accident again

Jennie's mom go to him and hold his shoulder "What did you do to her?! Answer me?!" kai just bow his head, when his mom looker at him,he cant make a eye contact, his disgusted in his mom, his mom want only the money, and the fame that her getting, ang kai is so pissed about that

18 years after

Kai just walking to his girlfriend krystal when he receive a call from an unknown number

"Hello?, who's this?" kai wait for the answer, but he's so impatient so he ended the call

Every night that accident got him a nightmare, he was thingking if jennie is doing fine, he always thingking, what if he didn't do that, maybe irene is still alive, until now he is so guilty

A doorbell sound wakes him uo for reminsce, kai got up and open the door, he see a man who is so stylish, he seems familliar but he didn't know who is this guy

"Long time no see, you are taller than me now" kai got so nuch confused, how he can talk like that, if i dont know him?

"Excuse me, but i don't know you, mind if you introduce yourself?" the man just smirked at him

"I'm the man who is from 18 years ago, you unintentionally killed my sister" kai's eye got big

"Hyung, how is jennie?, did he blame me from what happened?, i wanna say sorry to her" kyungsoo just shook his head

"Until now she didn't know that we have an older sister, all of photos of noona got into the trash, they throw it away, mom mourn for 5 years because of that accident, dad is drinking so much, jennie is always happy like a ball of joy hahaa" kai felt much guiltier

"How about you hyung?, what do you do when noona died?" kyungsoo just smiled painfully, and looked to other direction

"Im just me i think, there's no difference, but i hate dad from any people in this world" kai just confused

"Oh im here to tell you that i have a favor to you" kai just nod to kyungsoo

"Guard jennie, be his shield, he need you, dad is always get angry to her, kai want to erase jennie to this world, he want to jennie to vanish and noona to be alive, at the first place he didn't like it jennie at all" kai got thingking and thingking and he finally got decide

"I have a responsibility to jennie, i protect her with all my heart, i promised hyung" kyungsoo patted kai in the shoulder

"Oh one more thing, be gay hahaaa,  its much easier, cause she dont want men to get near her" kai laughed at that, he taught kyungsoo is just joking around, but he didn't know that its true

When he is in the party, he saw kyungsoo with a beautiful girl, he got mesmerized because there's so much that change in jennie's appearance, he looked mature and fair at the same time

When he sees his mom talking to jennie, he quickly got himself into the conversation, he notice that even jennie's voice is so attractive

He get into the character and said the most cringey word that comes from his mouth

"Mom theres no beautiful lady here" kai said as he looked at jennie's face, but in reality he want to run away with jennie

When he sat down to the chair, he looked at to the guest when he doesn't know what to do, he looked at kyungsoo

Kyungsoo just stare at him and mouthed to him the word 'act',

His gaze to kyungsoo got for a long time, he got startled when he heard jennie's voice in his ear

"Are you gay?" kai got shock, is he expert to know if a man is gay?

And when he grabbed him in the balcony, he feels again that his heart are racing like before, even if he is a kid back then, he can easily know that he like's jennie

And when the kiss happened, he felt that his heart got freeze and anytime it will fall

And at the day of that, they got an agreement. And that how it starts

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