Officially Friends

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Jennie pov
3 days later

Im just walking to the park when i see kai walking his dog, he's so hot while doing that, he's wearing shades and a plain white shirt partnered with blue shorts, gosh, because of that everyone is looking at him, like he adores him, gosh back off hes gay

I run to him and bump him in his shoulders "Yah.. Oh! Jennie" i thought he's mad at me when i bump him, but he smiled at me lovingly, i dont know why but im hipnotized by hes smile

"where are you heading?,maybe i can join you?" his eyes got big and he pull me through his car, what the hell is his problem?

"hey, its okay to me not to join you, you looked in a hurry and i think i be an extra baggage to you" he's looking mad at me, he's eyebrows almost meet

"You're coming to me, ahm..  To the...  B-beach?" gosh why so sudden?, i dont have clothes to wear, and im not prepared for this

"if you're problem is your clothes, i got those in a paper bag in the back, i hope it'll fit you" gosh is he planning for this?

"its so easy to read your mind hahha, yes, im planning for it" he smiled to me again, and gosh im gonna melt in his gaze, jennie remember he's gay, and always be gay

"where are we going?,  they're so much beautiful beach in here?" i waited for his answer for awhile but he didnt answer, aigoo

2 hours later

"Gosh seriously?,  your good at planning!" im not exxagerate things but this place is beautiful, were in muchangpo beach and its beautiful

I was appreciate the view when i got notification from my instagram

I was appreciate the view when i got notification from my instagram

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Zkdilyn: Beautiful lady is over there, is she enjoying? 😜

I looked at him and he smile at me, he's smile is always genuine, like he doesn't have a problem

I walked to he's direction and i  try to put my hands on his shoulder, even i didn't reach it i still try, im shocked when he adjust himself he got down, so i reach him

"i like it here, and im happy, atleast i dont remember my dad from this place" i looked at him and he looked at me with his sad eyes, gone was the always happy kai, he is now different

"please jennie, you can open up to me, always...,i..I wanna know you more" his eyes are pleading, gosh what is he doing?

"okay, but promise to me, no more secrets, deal?" i say as i raised my pinky finger infront of him "i..p-promise" he smiled at me nervously, i know that something is up to him, but i can trust him, because hes a good person

"So were officially friends?" he said in a hopeful voice, he's so childish, but i dont know why i like it

"yes, gosh" i hugged him because of that, i dont know buy i have a hobby that when we are friends i always hug them, and kai is my friend from now on so i hug him

"gosh women, dont go near me again" after he said that he got back to the car, gosh what's wrong with that?,  is he disgusted to me?

Ughh nevermind, i just looked at the scenery gosh its beautiful

3rd person point of view

Kai just go with his car and dialed kyungsoo in his phone, "Bro im here with jennie" kyungsoo sighed in relief, he knows that jennie's life is in danger

"Thanks bro, you're so good as always, be good to her okay?" kai laughed at kyungsoo's silliness "ofcoarse bro, im his shield" and just like that the conversation end

Kai got nervous when suddenly the door open and jennie went to his car

"Oh why are you starled?" jennie asked as she buckled her seatbelt

"Um... Nothing, just calling someone" jennie just looked at him with no emotions, then she just looked at the other way, jennie can't deny that she is jealous because of that, whoever he/she is, jennie is jealous

Kai notice jennie, kai didn't understand what's going on jennie's mind, so as a apologize he go to a drivethru 

"Why are we here?"  kai just rolled his eyes, he is just guessing that jennie is hungry but he get a wrong guts "we just buying food, you seem hungry"  jennie smiled  a naughty one,  "okay then, buy a burger, a float, a frenchfries and all of that" jennie smiled wider "Are you sure you can eat that much?, you know if you tease me about my money, it's no use, i can buy all the meals and stocks right here"  jennie turned pale after hearing that, gosh how can i unsmart him?

"Gosh..., okay!, buy me a burger and a coffee" kai didn't like what jennie said"You should eat more, a burger and a coffee is not enough for a good dinner"  jennie gasped of what she heard?, is he even real?, i said earlier that i want all of them, and now that i ordered what i like, he said that it's enough, gosh, this gay

"Why are you so  concerned of what i eat?, i'm on a diet" kai just hold his head out of frustration, can this women just understand me?, im just concerned about her, if she gets sick, her brother might punch me right in the face

"Your diet is not healthy, you should eat healtier" jennie just stuck her tongue, and she ordered right away "One burger and a coffee, what's your's kai?"  kai just smiled and ordered a lots of food "Can you eat that many?"  kai just looked at  her "No i share with you, i guess you can't just take away that food that i buy?, you are disrespectful if you do that, right?"

"Fine i'll eat that, thanks to your smart-ass, i loss my diet" kai just looked at other way, "You dont need to diet anymore, in my eyes your'e the sexiest one"  jennie didn't hear it because she's busy eating the foods

HE'S MY GAY |Jenkai|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ