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What a great sunny weather this sunday morning.
The same spot, near at my window doing something that i love, painting.
This has been a stress reliever for me.

Ever since i resigned from my job i have decided to be just a freelance architect.

It may sounds weird but i dont wanna invest too much effort on a firm that doesn't see my worth.
I've worked so hard to be promoted but fuck they gave the opportunity to the close friend of a department head. It hurt me so much cause i know in myself that i deserve that position more than anyone else.

Although freelancing ain't permanent cause it depends on the contract but at least they give the credits to you who really worked on it and not on the firm.

I got a plenty of projects few months ago but because of the current economic crisis i rarely get one now.

Life is kinda rough f-

"Unnie!" my brother yelled downstairs


"Get your fine ass down here!"

"Whyyyy? I'm busy hereee!"

"You have a vistor!"


"Just come down here! It'sa friend"

Who the fuxk is that? I'm lazyyyy.

I walked out of the room slowly cause i really dont feel like talking or entertaining some visitors unless it's gonna be a new client.


As soon as i saw the back of my visitor i knew right then that this is more important than a client. Guess who????


Yesss, my girlfriend, my Lisa is hereeee!!! I ran and hugged her tightly.

"Hahah i miss youuu" she said as she kissed the side of my head

"Why you didn't tell me you are going home? I should've fetched you in the airport! Hmmp! And you told me last night you are going home next month!"
I said while pouting

"It wont be a surprised if i told you hahah. Surprise!"

Oh god i miss her so so so much. I feel like crying.

"Ba-Jen, dont cry. I'm gonna be here for five days so that means we could spend a lot of time together"

"Just five days? Can't you stay for a month?"

"I can't, I'm sorry"

"Hmmp okay, why you ain't calling me babe or baby?"

Why is she acting weird, she didnt hug me tight and didnt call me babe.

"Oh I'm sorry babe I'm just a bit tired"

"Ah sit down, do you want breakfast? You can sleep in my room. You should eat first, what do you want? I'll cook it for you, do you want kimchi fried rice?"

"No no it's okay, i guess I'll just go home first and just rest there"

"Sure sure. Let's go there together. I'll just get my key"
I said as i was about to go to my room

"Je-babe, calm down. I-i want to rest first, and spend time with my family for awhile" she said while looking at the floor

"Don't you miss me?"

"I miss you okay? I'm actually planning to ask you out for dinner tomorrow night"

"Omgg really??? How about tonight?"

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