Chapter 14 - Answers

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You were sitting on the floor, looking at the ground. 

"(y/n)?" Shigaraki asked but you didn't say anything. He looked at All For one.

"Let her be Shigaraki. She just found out that her father never loved her." He said but you looked at him. 

"No. Your wrong papa." You say and stand and point to a TV, where it was showing the battle between you and All Might. 

"That man is not my father. He's..." You start but All for one walks up and hugs you, making you stop talking and your arm drop as you hug him back. 

"(y/n). No matter what you say or what you try to believe, he is your birth father. I can see how it made you feel when he said you didn't love you." He said. You had fresh tears and gave him a tighter hug. 

"Why papa? Why does it hurt so much? I want him dead yet his words affect me so much." You say. He rubs your back. 

"Because, no matter what happens, you will never kill the love you had for him when you were a child." He says and pulls back, putting a hand under your chin, making you look at him. He then used his other hand and wiped your cheeks free of tears.

"Papa. You love me right?" You asked. He gave a smile. 

"If I did not love you, I would not have done all that I have for you my child." He says and kisses your forehead. You smiled at him, but then frown again. 

"I also trust you my child. If you need answers, go and get them." He says. You give a small smile and he backs up. You then look at Shigaraki. 

"Shig. Will you help me?" you ask. He nods and you take his hand. You then look at Kurogiri. 

"Send us to his place." You say. Kurogiri gave a nod and opened one of his gates. You and Shigaraki walks in, seeing your old room. it was the same as before, but dusty, It also looked untouched. 

"Looks like he doesn't come in here." Shigaraki says. You give a nod before you move to the door and open it. The lights here off. You walk out with Shigaraki and close it. You both walked to the kitchen and waited. After an hour, you heard the door and looked. You saw him open it and walk in. He closed the door, walking to the couch and sat. You looked at Shigaraki and gave a nod. He then walked up and before All Might knew what was happening, Shigaraki was holding the back of his neck. You then walked up.

"Don't fight. We aren't here to kill you all Might. I just want answers." You say. All might was worried but he calmed down. 

"What?" He asked. Your hands turned to fists. 

"Why did you never love me?" You asked. All Might was silent. 

"Because. I didn't want to be a father. I thought if I ignored you, your mother would come and take you back." He said. You grew more angry at that. 

"I loved you as a child but I hate you now. Tell me, why do your words affect me so much?" You asked. He looked at you in the eyes. 

"Because, I'm still your father." He said. You started to shake. No matter what happened in your past. He was right.

"(y/n). Do you know what I did when I found out you were missing?" All might asked. You looked at him and shook your head. He pointed and you looked, seeing a photo album and a video tape. 

"Take that. Look at it. Watch the video. You will get the answers you want." He says. You walk over, grabbing them. You did a quick flip though, seeing newspaper clipping and pages that were filled with his hand writing but you didn't read any of them. You closed it and looked at him. He gives a nod. You look at Shigaraki. 

"Call Kurogiri." You say. He nods and pulls out a phone. All Might was looking at you. 

"I'm sorry. Really." He said. you look at him. 

"I don't care." You say before you and Shigaraki leave his place.      

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