Chapter 6 - U.S.J Attack part 1

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"Come on Shigaraki." You said as you sat at the bar. The Nomu and Kurogiri were also waiting. You both were twenty now and doing your first, public attack.

"Hold on. Father is lose." He says and fixes the hand on his face. 

"There. Where is your mask (y/n)?" Shigaraki asked. You smiled. 

"Don't want one. I want my father to see me and have heart attack." You say but gasp and smile. You look at the screen. 

"Papa, wouldn't that be great! Then we could use the Nomu and kill every hero!" You say happily. Everyone hears a chuckle. 

"Yes but that is highly improbable. Go one. Kurogiri already put in the villain to stop the alarms. you all must go now. All Might is weaker now and will not be able to defeat the Nomu." He says. you stand and walk next to Shigaraki as Kurogiri opened the gate. 

"Ready?" You ask. He nods and you both walk out. 

"V-Villains." You hear and looked, seeing students. You look around. 

"Where is he?" You asked. Shigaraki put a hand on your shoulder. 

"Relax. Kurogiri, stop them from escaping." Shigaraki said. Kurogiri left and soon, you saw the students being separated. You growled. 

"Just like him. He wasn't there for me then, why should he be here for me now." You say and watched as a man ran up and started to attack the low level villains. 

"That's Eraserhead!" You heard a few shout. You put a hand to your chin. 

"Well, All might isn't here. Lets have our Nomu attack him." You say. Shigaraki smiled. 

"Excellent idea. Nomu. Have fun." He orders. The Nomu ran at him. you watched as he was attacked and soon, was flung near you. you bent down and looked at him.     

"Where is All might?" You asked. He growled but was grabbed by the Nomu. You walked up and stepped on his hand. He gave a small scream. 

"Tell me." You said, crushing it. He spits at you. You look and smirk. You bent down, grabbing his arm and you gave it a twist. He let out a scream in pain. 

"Aahh, music to my ears. Now, our Nomu wants to kill All might and We have waited a long time." You say and get closer to him. 

"I have waited years to see him suffer and die. Where. Is. He?" You asked slowly. He looks at you and growls.   

"L-Like I-I would..." He started but the Nomu slammed his head into the ground. You let him go  and walked up to Shigaraki and leaned on him. 

"I'm bored! I wanted to see our great Nomu kill All might" You yelled. 

"K-Kill!" You heard and turned, seeing three children and smirked. 

"Hey Shigaraki, mind if I have a little fun?" You asked. He looked and shrugged. 

"Sure." He said. You held your hand out.

"Bye." You said and your fire came flying at them. You laughed as it hit and waited for the screams but heard none. 

"All might!" You heard and looked, seeing him for the first time in years. He had saved the three kids. you growled and glared at him. You remembered how he never saved you.  

"Are you ok young Midoriya?" He asked, looking him over. Midoriya gave a nod and a smile. you started to shake. He never cared for you like that, making sure you were ok. 

"Nomu! Kill All might!" You screamed. The Nomu looked at All might, dropping the man and stood. All Might looked but gasped. 

"(y-y/n)?" He asked. You pointed at him. 

"Your dead father!" You yelled.    

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