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Komori went up to Mai on the last day of school for the week and asked how [Y/N] was doing.

Mai smiled at his concern, "She's doing okay. But she's a baby when it comes to being sick."

"Oh, I am too. But as long as she's not being stubborn and takes her medication she'll be good in no time," Komori said in determination.

"Don't worry about her while you guys are gone, she's in good hands!" Mai said brightly.

Komori grabbed Mai's hand as they walked down the hallway, "But not for too long, your good hands gotta come back to me some day!"

Mai blushed and giggled at his antics.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

Mai nodded for Komori to continue.

"Has Ari been bothering [Y/N]?" Komori asked as he stood in front of Mai. His eyes were mixed with worry and anger.

Mai had knew then that the gig was up and sighed in sadness.

"[Y/N] didn't want to bother you guys with this. I'll tell you, but please don't tell Sakusa."

Komori nodded in agreement.

"Ari has been bothering [Y/N] for a while. I guess ever since she had saw [Y/N] help you guys at the practice game."

Komori was caught off guard, "For that long!? How?"

"She's been getting her friends to help her while she isn't at this school. But she had come to visit a few times."

Komori sat down on the floor as he took in the information. He hadn't realized how much that you had gone through and was in the dark about all of it. Mai knelt down next to him and took his hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I wanted to respect [Y/N]'s wishes."

Komori smiled weakly at Mai, "It's okay. I understand and I'm glad you were at least there for her. But we have to do something about this."

"I'll be visiting her today to drop off the assignments and make sure she's taking her medicine. I'll see what I can do while I'm there," Mai said in thought.

They parted ways and said goodbyes as they went to their respective club activities after they decided on a plan.

After club hours, Mai made her way to your apartment. She was given a spare key to come in whenever she needed to.

As she reached your place, she put her belongings on the side table and your assignments on the kitchen counter.

When she opened your bedroom door she saw you huddled under the blankets. You groaned as she had opened your blinds and window to let some fresh air in.

You dug yourself deeper into the blankets as the light was too blinding.

"[Y/N], have you taken your medication from this morning?"

"Yes ma'am," you said then went into a coughing fit.

Mai had went to fill up a fresh glass of water for you and helped you sit up to drink some of it. As you laid back down and pulled the blankets closer to you.

You felt Mai take a rag and wipe off the sweat on your forehead.

"I'm going to make you some soup, if you need anything please let me know."

You nodded in response then looked up weakly at her, "Thank you for taking care of me, I appreciate you being there for me."

Mai smiled sincerely, "Of course, I know you would do the same for me."

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