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As you were in the head office you weren't expecting to be in the situation that you were in.

In which the teacher was reprimanding the principle as he was having a good laugh at the situation that took place at lunch. You were just straight up expecting to be expelled from school for what had happened but the principle seemed to be different from what other students have said about him.

"[Y/N], I know what you were trying to do with the stunt that you pulled earlier," the principle started off with as he was finished laughing,"I commend you for being so courageous to help out your club in their time of need."

"Principle! She and the rest of the students that helped have caused a lot of property damage!"

"As punishment they can clean up all the paint that had went everywhere. Our students are smart enough to not use something that can stain so easily."

"I-I understand," the teacher sighed out in defeat.

"But I would like for [Y/N] to hold off on club activities and focus on cleaning up the school. She may have someone to help her but the other members will need to attend their after school club activities in case new members would like to join."

You had nodded your head slowly at that and looked down at your feet. It sounded that no one had come forward to wanting to join the club even after what happened earlier.

The principle had dismissed you as well as the teacher and you were escorted back to class.

As you walked in you heard the students immediately starting to whisper about what may have happened and were wondering to what extent your punishment was. You ignored their whispering and gave a dazzling smile towards Sakusa and Komori to assure them that you were okay.

The rest of the day went on without anymore problems and you headed towards the club to let the Mai know what was going on.

As you were talking to the rest of the club members they sighed in relief as they heard you weren't going to be expelled. But they wanted to help you clean up as they were also responsible in setting up the event as well.

But as the same teacher from earlier got there they had informed them that someone was already there to help you and that they should resume activities.

Each of you guys gave each other a look of confusion but you continued to follow the teacher as they showed you all the cleaning supplies to get up the paint. You had grabbed a bucket of water and some rags then made your way to the crime scene.

When you got there you spotted a familiar head of hair and smiled at the figure.

Sakusa was already there with big gloves on, a rag and bucket of water in hand scrubbing off some paint from the walls.

"Hey, Sakusa! What are you doing? You should be at volleyball practice!"

"I told them that I wanted to help."

"I'm sure your coach isn't happy that you aren't at practice."

"I told him that I was one of the ones who helped with the idea," Sakusa said quietly not looking at you in the eyes.

A tick mark of anger appeared above your head and you punched Sakusa in the shoulder.

"You idiot!"

Sakusa didn't say anything in response as he went back to cleaning the spot that he started on earlier. You sighed in defeat and started on another spot.

You guys had went on like this in comfortable silence for a couple of hours, taking small breaks in between. Komori and Sakusa were two different people when you were one on one with either of them. Komori was more of the one to talk and hold a conversation with you while Sakusa was the one who let you vent to him whenever you needed it. Or just to have complete silence as you did an art project or if he wanted to practice more.

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