Chapter One: Betrayal

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A/N: Alright, so I am posting this chapter for a new story I am going to be writing after I'm finished with: "I'll do whatever to make you happy". Which, if you haven't checked out, you should totally give it a read! It's Stony, and I'm sure you might like it. But anyways, this might be the next book I write after I finish that, or I might also write a soulmate AU; which I also have in the making as well.

So many stories, and so much time to try and write them. Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy the first chapter! This story basically takes place after Civil War, but there's no Infinity War and Endgame, it's more along the lines of Tony and Steve trying to fix their relationship.


Love. It's a fickle thing, really; people either live without it, whether they're starved of it from parents, or a loved one, or simply because it's their own personal choice and a way of life to stay away from being so close to another person, and there are those who crave it like a drug. Essentially that's what some consider love; a drug you end up addicted to, maybe like cocaine or heroin, but not as extreme and only leaves you with a broken heart rather than dead in the ground.

He's never done drugs, so he wouldn't know what that's like, but he has gotten his heart broken, not once, but twice.

The first instance wasn't really his fault. He made his decision, and in the end he saved countless lives, including his first love; of which died just a few months after this whole shit show happened. Ok, maybe his heart broke three times, because he lost her once, and then lost her again. He actually never suspected to see her again after he put the plane in the water, he just expected he would have died from the impact itself, but alas that was not his destiny.

That was the first heartbreak he experienced, when he put the plane in the water and lost the girl for the first time. His second instance with the same person was getting that text message on his phone, saying that she had passed away. He tried to remain strong, but he couldn't fight back the tears and the burning ache in his heart that came from his heartstrings being pulled, tested to their limits as they threatened to tear.

He was there to carry her coffin on his shoulders, trying so hard not to break down in front of everyone, and he succeeded. He learned a few things that day: such as the fact that Sharon Carter was Peggy's niece- and really he should have seen that one coming, but then again he never really knew her last name anyways- and that love hurts. He loved Peggy with all his heart, and he was reminded of that each day he visited her once he found out her location. He made sure to listen to her stories, tend to her when needed, and as much as it hurt him, he was there for her when she forgot who he was, over and over again. But he loved her, young and old; because even if Steve is technically a 27 year old man who was frozen in ice at that age, he will always be that 97 year old who should have had a life with Peggy, and gone through what she had with her.

Now the third heartbreak was more recent, and it was almost unexpected, even to himself actually. He always considered himself a straight male, destined to fall in love with women until he eventually had kids, and grew old; because that's always been the plan for him. Find a nice girl to settle down with, marry her, have kids, watch his kids grow up, go to college, move out, and grow old with his wife. He only achieved one of those, and he actually never thought he would get another chance at love, let alone finding someone to marry.

In reality, this is very true. Even if he shared a somewhat romantic interest in Sharon, it didn't really feel right. He regrets kissing her; not just because she's the niece of his dead first lover, but because in a way he might have led her on, and that's not who he was. He was a simple guy, born and raised in the 1940's with non complicated ideologies. He respected anyone and everyone, except bullies, he hated bullies. He didn't care what your race was, your gender, nor your sexuality, to him you were a person. Even if you were a bad guy you were still a person to him, but he would have to apprehend you rather than get to know you, because that's his job as a superhero. Actually, that's more of who he is as a person; a law abiding citizen with no bad bone or dark side.

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