"I don't know. Can you?" Davenport somewhat jokes. I lightly chuckle and ask Leo to hand me a water bottle. He tosses me one and I drink from it. He goes over to where Davenport was and hands him a drink.

"Soo.. let's say there's a girl you wanted to ask out." Leo theoretically asks.

"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Davenport yelled behind me. I chuckle and continue to listen in.

"Your mom didn't put you up, or?" Leo shakes his head. "Nevermind, carry on."

"See, there's a girl I really like, and we like a lot of the same things: science, comic books." I narrow my eyes at him. "It's not you, Destiny!" He assured me.

"Oh, great! For a moment there, you had me. Oooff! Wait is it that girl that you weirdly 'smiled' at?" I ask putting imaginary quotation marks when I said 'smiled'.

"Yeah! I thought she smiled at me one time, but instead of smiling back, I did one of these." Leo explained to Davenport while making a face that looked like he was drooling.

"Leo, I think I know what you're trying to say." Davenport concluded. He moved over closer to Leo while I went to the other side.

"Seen it too much too and I know it!" I said in a singing mocking voice.

"You're in love!" Me and Davenport both conclude. We started doing a little dance while Leo was trying to say he wasn't in love.

"I am not in love! I am not in love! I'm just carefully exploring my options in a place I like to call, Ladyland!" Leo tried to make it vague.

"You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Davenport asked. Leo shook his head and so I joined in.

"Maybe I can help you. I know her as one of my friends, I can ask if she likes you! If so she can be the one asking you out!" I offered.

"No, no, no, no! NO!" Leo chanted as he put his hands on my shoulders. "No way! You're not going to do that!" I shrug his hands off and Davenport started to talk again.

"Well, that first time I met your mom, I offered her a ride in my high-speed helicopter." Davenport somewhat bragged.

"So I can borrow the helicopter!?" Leo asked happily.

"Of course! If you were older." I respond while inputting a pause in between the sentences.

"Leo, what I'm trying to say is, you're like me." Davenport started.

"I don't think so...You might wanna double check on that!" I interrupted. They both glare at me and I raise my hands up.

"You're smart, and you're handsome, but people think you're a nerd. You have to be flashy so they know how cool you are!"

"But sometimes girls don't want flashy guys!" I protest but Leo ignores me.

"All right, be flashy. I'm gonna try some of that on Janelle! But let's keep this between all of us, okay?" Leo asks.

"As long as you don't do anything stupid that is against me, I won't use it as blackmail, I promise!" I said while pointing at him. He nods his head and looks at Davenport.

"Absolutely, what happens in Ladyland stays in Ladyland." He then started to do a little dance and I stopped him.

"Please, please. As a favor for all three of us, please stop!" I beg as I grab onto his shoulders. He stops and glares and me and I grab my backpack to start homework.


I was walking into the kitchen to get a drink when I heard Davenport and Tasha squeling.

The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats FF: Season 1~) -COMPLETED-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें