Chapter 2

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**Bathroom Idea**

I woke up with a start, confused and disoriented. I had no idea where I was or what happened. I glanced around, I was in a huge bedroom, I was currently in a very large bed as well. The room overall was pretty bare, there were a few doors, one leading to what looked like a bathroom. I hastily got up but regretted it as soon as I did. My head swam and I immediately sat back down again. I pressed the heel of my hand into my temple to try and relive the headache. A few moments later I remembered, Jamie and the break in and that person. OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO? AM I STILL IN THEIR HOUSE? I started freaking out, I need to get out of here, and what, call the police, the voice in the back of my head said. You are the one who broke in, yeah I realize that! I snap.

I stood up again, slower this time. I make my way over to the bathroom, again fucking massive. I look at myself in the mirror, my light dirty blonde hair is a mess, I have the biggest bags under my eyes. I'm not wearing the clothes I came in last night, which means this stranger must have taken then. The thought disgusts me, I really hope they didn't touch me or anything. The clothes I'm wearing are like ten sizes too big, I'm pretty short by men's standards. At 5'8" the clothes dwarf me. If these are the stranger's clothes then they must be massive like the rest of this house. Jamie is not small, about 6" even and his clothes are big on me, my eyes widen. Oh my god! How could I forget about Jamie!

I wonder if he got out or if the stranger found him too. I hope he got out, maybe he can find help. Oh yeah, like who? No one wants to help a criminal. "Shut Up!" I yell out loud, then clamp my hand over my mouth. Great you just let them know you were awake, real smart.Oh be quiet and let me think.

I run my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends. I hear the bedroom door open, I run to the bathroom door and lock it. I look around me, there is a window. I run over to it and peer out it, fuck. It's like three stories up. I hear footsteps getting closer to the bathroom door. I frantically look in the cabinets underneath the sink for a weapon of some sort. The voice in my head sneered at me, you fight. Yeah right, when pigs fly. I ignore it. Goddamn it! Think!

The footsteps stop outside the door, I tiptoe over to the sink and grab the closest thing to me. It's a toothbrush, a FUCKING TOOTHBRUSH! I'm screwed.

I see the door handle jiggle, I raise the toothbrush. If I die I am at least putting up a fight. The handle moves again, it's locked. I pray whoever is outside cannot get in. I hear a deep sigh from outside. "Locking the door isn't going to stop anyone sweetheart." The deepest fucking voice I have ever heard, said. If I wasn't about to die, I think I would've swooned.

"Open the door," he said, it sounds like a he. "Hurry up sweetheart. I'm not going to wait much longer."

Jesus fucking fuck, his voice sounded like velvet, but I could hear the warning in it. I don't know what to do. Do I keep the door locked and hope he can't get in? It seems risky, I can hear the anger rising in his voice. Or do I open the door? Who knows what happens then. The idoitic voice in my head makes an appearance again. You should open the door I bet this sultry voice is coming from a real hunk of a man. Not helpful!

"Open this door right now, sweetheart." That voice was mad now, the endearing term was sounding more and more like a threat. " I'm giving you five seconds to open this door, after that I'm coming in."

 I slowly edge toward the door, what am I doing? I should have never came here. With one hand I unlock the door at a snail pace, my other hand is still raised but the toothbrush. As soon as the door unlocked I jumped backwards. The handle slowly turns and the door is pushed open. The biggest fucking man I have ever seen walks through, he is wearing black dress pants and a dark navy blue button up. He has dark black-brown hair and piercing brown eyes. The dress shirt stretches around him as he moves making it clear that he quite literally ripped. He has to be at least 6'4" and the jawline looked like it could cut paper. If I wasn't worried he was going to kill me I would've thought that he was the best looking man I had ever seen.

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