𝕸𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝕬𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕽𝖊𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖓

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?! You're not even sure?!." Sai stammered before demanding to see Naruto, Shin silently mocked him before turning the mirror to Naruto's direction.

"He's still breathing … But he still needs to be check up by a real doctor … I actually thought he's going to die because of hemorrhage because of the blood he lost." Shin mused.

"That reminds me … I don't know the way to Konoha." Shin complain, asking Sai for help.

Sakura was jumping through trees, she do not know where she's going but … she just wants to let out her frustration. "Sakura!." Kakashi call her, but she didn't bother looking back.

That's when she felt dizzy and tired, because of her dizziness she started to inattentive to where she lands. Resulting her to slip and fall, and the branch she falls off was high. 

And fortunately, Kakashi is never late to save his students. He caught her in time and land on another thick branch, "Are you okay?." Kakashi asked before putting her down.

Sakura nods and caress her head, her dizziness was getting worse. "You need to rest —" Sakura strongly protested and stand up only to stumbled again. "I'm not just asking you to rest … I'm ordering you to rest … I'm still your Sensei and you're required to obey me." Kakashi remarked.

"Okay … Sensei." Sakura weakly said while letting Kakashi put her on his back. Carrying her, both of them tense when they heard a voice nearing them.

Are you sure about this, I've been walking for an whole day and I still don't see any hotel you're saying …” The voice sounded annoyed and tired.

Sakura and Kakashi glance at each other before nodding, they silently follow the voice … quietly so the person won't notice them.

Sakura gasped loudly when he saw a person talking to something on his hands — on his shoulder was an unconscious Naruto.

"Sensei … That person … He have Naruto!." Sakura whisper-yell while she pointed at the white haired man infront them.

"Who is he talking to?." Kakashi mumbled and slowly walk near the man, “I need to turn left?! You've been saying that for the past two hours! How many left do I need to turn to before arriving at the damn hotel?!.” The man exclaimed and turn to Sakura's and Kakashi's direction.

"Sensei … He's nearing."

How many times do I have to tell you that I can't draw a damn bird?! Why don't you do it … Oh right, you can't.”

Before Sakura could even understand what's happening, she was gently put down by her Sensei and before she could even ask what's Kakashi's plan. Kakashi was suddenly behind the white haired man, pointing a Kunai on his throat.

"Move and I won't hesitate to slit your throat."

The unknown teen put something inside his pockets before raising his arms — as if he was surrendering. "You're going to hurt your own student?."

That left Kakashi and Sakura dumbfounded. “Did Sensei had a team before us?.” She wondered.

"I don't have a student with white haired … Put Naruto down or things will get dirty." Kakashi threatened him. Shin then laugh, “Kinky.” Shin muttered and slowly bring down Naruto.

"I've only missing for one and half weeks and you already forgot about me?."

Kakashi then realized who he was when Shin faced him, "Sai?." Kakashi whispered while he stare at the smirking face of Sai's older brother.

"The one and only ... Has your age finally caught up to you?." Shin playfully said and turn to where Sakura is hiding.

"I'm not the one who's hair turn white." Kakashi managed to retort, he was still in shock but he admits. The person indeed look and act like his missing pale student.

"Come on Sakura … Don't tell me you forgot about me too?." Shin said loudly enough for Sakura to hear.

"What happened to your hair?." Sakura questioned and went near them.

"Decided to change my looks ... Admit it, I look handsome with my new look."

"That's not important right now … What happened to Naruto?." Kakashi asked and slowly inspect the unconscious Jinchūriki.

"I found him yesterday, he was fighting some rogues and he was stabbed. We should take him to Lady Tsunade." Shin said — his playful demeanor vanished. He was suddenly acting all serious.

"I can't believe this." Tsunade breathed out before slamming down the results. "I've been checking it repeatedly but it only say the same." She grumbled.

"Why is he already on his deathbed?." Shin simply asked before he got elbowed by Sakura, he grumbled — complaining that he's eating. " That would be more understandable … But this?!."

"Why Lady Tsunade … What's the result?." Kakashi anxiously asked, while he stare at Naruto — who peacefully lay on the hospital bed. A cardiac monitor was connected to him.

"I swear if this is Orochimaru's doing … I'm going to kill him myself!." Tsunade growled when she again look at the papers on the table.

"Lady Tsunade … You're scaring us …" Shizune awkwardly said before she shudders in fear when the Hokage glare at her.

"If any of you … Will be disgusted by the news you're about to hear … The door is wide open, no one ask for your opinion. Understand?." Tsunade started.

"Orochimaru is known for his weird antics … weird experiments … and weird thinking … I'm thinking that he's the reason why this happened." All of them nod in understanding.

"Apparently … according to all the test I did to him … He's pregnant." She announced as she watches their reaction, Kakashi's one eye widen. Shin spit out his food, Shizune drop the slug she was carrying.

And Sakura fainted.

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