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"Uh-I don't think that's the best idea, Jen." my eyes widen at the name he just said. Jennifer. She's one of the dancers on our team!

"And why is that?" her tone in flirtatious, and I can just picture her twirling her blonde locks in between her fingers. "Juan, I've been dying to finish what we started the other night."

"Jennifer. No. That was over a month ago. It shouldn't have happened, and I'm glad it didn't. Y-You should just go. Please." his voice is stern, yet I know he's extremely nervous knowing Im right behind this wall, listening to everything they're saying.

She laughs lightly. "Your hard dick said otherwise." I squeeze my eyes shut, shaking my head. Ouch. "Come on, Juan. I know you wanted me as much as I did that night. If we hadn't gotten interrupted, I know we would've gone the whole way." Juan told me she was already leaving when I knocked on the door. What the fuck.

"I reall-"

"Okay, okay. Just...let me into your room. We can order up some room service or something...and see where things go from there."

"It's past midnight. Room service isn't available right now." he responds.

She sighs loudly. "I don't know why you're being so difficult Juan. I know you want me. And I want you too. Nobody has to find out."

"No. Just no. Have a good night. Please don't ever come to my room again."


"Goodnight Jennifer." he shuts the door, not giving her any time to keep talking.

I'm sitting up in the bed, chewing my lip nervously. Juan curses under his breath, making his way over to me nervously. "I-I don't even know what to say right now Cami." he shakes his head, sitting in front of me in the bed.

I look up from the floor, to see him giving me an anxious look. "She's the girl I saw the night I came to talk to you." I nod. "Jennifer?" my voice comes out a whisper.

"Yeah-yes. It was her." he nods, looking away, almost in what I think is shame.


"Cami, loo-"

"She said if you guys hadn't gotten interrupted, you would've gone all the way. Why did she say that?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I- Fuck." he shakes his head, not being able to give me an answer.

"You lied to me then." I say, glaring at him. "You told me that she was on her way out when I came to your room."

He sighs, standing up. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. Just explain yourself. Because what she said is not what you told me."

He nods. "Okay. Okay, yeah. I lied." I shake my head, already feeling my heartbeat quicken and blood boil. "But it was only because I didn't want to hurt you!" he exclaims quickly.

"If I hadn't knocked on your door that night, you would've slept with her, hadn't you?" I ask, looking at him from his standing position against the wall.

The silence that is shared between us is almost unbearable, and I hate the fact that my heart hurts right now. No, no I wouldn't have slept with her. You're the only person I ever want to be with. Is what I want him to say, but he just stays silent, shaking his head slowly.


"It's a yes or no question Juan." I snap, sounding harsher than I meant to.

"Yes." and my heart breaks in half. "Yeah, I probably would've slept with her."

"Why did you lie to me?"

He sighs, running both hands over his face. "I didn't want to hurt you."

"Bullshit." I shake my head. "Tell me the truth." my voice is shaky, my true feelings starting to come out.

"I am!" he says, raising his voice. "I didn't want to hurt you. And yes, okay, maybe I just wanted you to believe me. I wanted you back into my life so badly, Camila. I was willing to say anything just to get you to at least look at me again."

I shake my head, standing up. "Ive gotta go. This isn't what I fucking signed up for."

"What are you talking about?" he asks, the frustration clear in his voice.

"The lies!" I shout back. "I thought you were going to be honest with me. I believed you. You made me look fucking stupid, Juan. Ive been cheated on, lied to before. And I don't deal with that shit anymore." I shake my head, trying to walk past him. "Not from you or anybody else."

He sticks his arm out, stopping me from walking past him. "Can we please talk about this?" he sighs.

I stop, looking up at him. "What is there to talk about?"

"I'm sorry, Camila. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you." he apologizes, shaking his head.

"Well maybe you should've thought about that before you lied to me." I push past him, only to be stopped again.

"Is there seriously nothing I can say to make you stay and at least hear me out?" he asks desperately.

I shake my head. "Do you seriously think you deserve for me to sit here and listen to more of your lies?" I ask, glaring at him.

"If you would just hear me out-"

I scoff, shaking my head. "Fuck you. I cant believe you right now." I push past him again, only this time he doesnt stop me from walking out the door.

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