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I wake up to Juan kissing me gently. "Yeah?" I ask, sitting up groggily.

He smiles sadly. "I'm sorry to have to wake you up, but I have a whole team of cameras and crew coming up to interview me in like an hour."

I smile, shaking my head, rubbing my eyes. "No, you're fine. I get it."

He kisses my forehead gently. "Thank you. Let me walk you to your room?"

"No, I'm fine. You have to get ready." I shake my head.

He nods. "Okay. Well, I'll see you at the show tonight?"

I stand up slowly, grabbing my phone from the side table. "Yeah. I will be in my room sleeping." I laugh, as he walks me to the door. He grabs my hand, turning me back around so we can kiss. "Morning breath!" I groan, pulling away from him in embarrassment.

He smiles, cupping my face in his hands. "I don't care." I lean against the door as he presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. I let out a soft moan when he sucks gently on my bottom lip. "Fuck, I wish I didn't have something to do this morning." he groans, pulling away.

I laugh, pulling him back for another kiss. "But you do have something to do. So...I'll just see you later." I smile, turning the nob of the door, opening it slowly.

"See you later." he grins, giving me one last quick kiss.



"I'm so happy I'm not dancing tonight." I laugh, sitting in the dressing room as Sabrina finishes her makeup.

She glares at me through the mirror. "That's not even fair. You out of anyone should be dancing tonight." she sighs, turning around to face me.

I probably would've been performing tonight if I hadn't come back so suddenly. The whole schedule was set up for the week, and obviously I was not in either of the two shows of the week. Tonight we're in Chicago, and tomorrow night in Denver. "Hey, its not my fault!"

She rolls her eyes playfully, smiling. "Whatever. Just remember it's gonna be some other thirsty bitch grinding up on your boyfriend tonight instead of you." she teases, wanting to get a reaction out of me.

I shake my head. "Oh, but I'll be getting the real deal tonight. I don't feel threatened." I smirk, sitting back, unbothered.

She laughs loudly. "I still need to hear details about that, by the way."

"You better get out there." I say, pointing outside of the dressing room where the rest of the girls are, waiting for Juan to begin his show, ignoring her comment.

"I'll see you later." she groans, walking out of the dressing room.


"You did great tonight." I smile at Juan once he's let me into his room.


I nod, taking a seat next to him on the bed. "Yeah, I love watching you perform."

He leans back against the headboard, gesturing me to come closer. I do so, straddling him. "Thank you." he kisses me gently.

I pull away with a happy smile. "It's late. Maybe I should get back to my room."

He quickly shakes his head. "No. Stay here." he pulls me in for a kiss, teasing me with his tongue.

I smirk, beginning to grind down into him. "I guess I could stay for a little bit longer." he flips us over so that he's hovering over me.

He puts both his arms at either side of my head, pulling away. "I love you." he smiles, looking down at me.

I cup his face in my hands, running the pad of my thumb along his bottom lip. "I love you too." he smashes his lips down onto mine with such urgency I cant contain the loud moan that escapes my lips.

"I fucking love hearing you say that." he groans, trailing kisses down my neck. I help him take my top off, throwing it to my side. I purposely didn't wear a bra, hoping this would happen. "You're gonna kill me." he shakes his head, taking my breasts into his hands, teasing them while our tongues continue fighting for dominance.

"Oh, fuck." I gasp lightly, pulling away from the kiss when Juan pinches my hardened nipple gently. He smirks, loving the affect he has on me. Just as his mouth begins to tease my breasts, there's a knock on the door.

We both stop immediately, looking at each other in confusion. "Who the fu-" he slowly gets off of me. Who the fuck is that? It's well past midnight. I quickly grab my shirt, putting it back on as he walks towards the door. There's a wall separating the bed from the door, so thankfully whoever that is cant see farther into the room. I stay put while Juan goes out of my sight, opening the door.

"Juan, hey. Can I come in?" my heart drops at the sound of a female voice.

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