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Quickly brushing off the feeling, I nudge him, waiting for an answer. "Come on, I want more details about you. I want to get to know you better. All we talked about were relationships, really." I shrug.

"Well, I have an older sister, Manuela. A Mom, Marlli and a Dad, Luis. They're divorced though. Uh, what else do you want?" he asks, laughing.

"You're from Colombia, right?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah, born and raised."

"That's awesome." I say, nodding.

"You're from here, but what about your parents?" he asks.

"Mom was born in California but her parents are from Mexico, Dad was born in Mexico." I say.

"You speak Spanish fluently?"

I nod slowly. "Pretty much. My Dad learned English perfectly since he got here when he was in middle school but he only spoke Spanish to me while I was growing up." I laugh at the thought of my silly Mom. "My Mom doesn't speak Spanish very well but she tries."

"So I've been fucking dying over here trying to speak English when the whole time you understand and speak Spanish?!" he asks, in shock.

"Sorry, I thought you knew." I apologize, laughing. "If it makes you feel any better, you speak English impressively well."

"Yeah, I've been gradually getting better at it for the last few years. Thank you for noticing." he says, grinning.

After a few more moments of silence he turn to me again. "Aren't you getting in?" he asks.

I quickly shake my head. "No thanks. I just wanted to look at the view." I say pointing at all of the buildings that surround us.

"You're boring." he says before standing up and throwing himself into the pool.

I squeal as water splashes over me. "Well I got wet either way, didn't I?" I ask, throwing my arms up in annoyance.

He chuckles. "You're about to get even wetter." before I can comprehend what he means by that, I feel his big hands wrap around my ankles, and then a strong pull.

The second I'm submerged into the water I jump up. "Oh my god!" I shriek, smacking Juan on the arm roughly. "What was that for?" I ask, moving the wet hair out of my face.

He's a laughing mess. "Have some fun." he says while continuing to laugh.

I splash him with water. "Fun like this, fun?" I ask.

He immediately does it back which makes me regret my decision. "Yeah, like that." he says laughs as my hair covers my face.

I just stand there in frustration. When I feel his hands come up to my face to move the hair I can't ignore the spark I feel where his hands land. "Are you okay?" he asks, chuckling lightly while moving the hair out of my face.

I try to keep a straight face but end up failing miserably. "No, you're a jerk." I break out in a full smile now.

When his hands don't leave my cheeks I just look up at him with a smile. He returns the smile gladly. It's when I feel the strong urge to pull his stupid face in for a kiss do I try to think of anything else but his lips that are dangerously close to mine. So, I go for the first thing that pops up in my mind: Splash him with more water. And I do exactly that. "I think it's time that I leave." I says shaking my head as I make my way over to the steps of the pool.

"Why so soon?" Juan asks, relaxing in the water.

I run over to where my towel is, wrapping it around my body. "I still have to pack for our next stop." I grab my belongings, quickly walking towards the exit before turning back around to say one last thing. "Que tengas buena noche." I say, winking and blowing a kiss towards his direction.


I'm pouring syrup over my waffles at the breakfast bar when I feel somebody walk up next to me. "Good morning." I turn to see Juan smiling down at me.

"Hey." I say looking back down at all of the options I have for breakfast.

"So, about last night...I'm really sorry I tried to kiss you." I keep my gaze focused on the fruit that i'm placing on my plate.

I shake my head, moving down the line. "It's fine. It's already forgotten." looking over at him, I give him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, but I cant forget what you said." he answers back. "I would never just use you for sex and then dump you."

I roll my eyes, walking over to a random table. Of course, he follows. "Look, It's fine if you do that but I just don't want it done to me." I say pulling out a chair and sitting down.

He takes the seat in front of me, clearly not ready to let this conversation go. "You make it sound like I'm an asshole." he says rolling his eyes.

"I never said that! I clearly said, 'You're a nice guy and everything, thanks but no thanks.' I'm not judging what you do." shrugging I, take a bite of my slice of cantaloupe. "That's your business." I say chewing slowly.

When I look up at him, he still looks bothered. I sigh. "What do you want me to say, Juan? I forgive you, what you do is your business. It's fine. Just don't try it again and we should have no problems." I say giving him a wide smile.

He nods, somewhat satisfied. " we're good?" he asks.

I nod. "Yup. We're fine."

"Great, so I'll see you later?" he asks.

"Mmhm." I respond, chewing on my waffles happily.

He smiles, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek before turning and walking away.

He has to stop doing that.

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