Rules are Rules

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        Although Susan had been refreshed by Luth's words, there still had to be punishments for what he had done the day before. 

        Susan had been waiting for Diego to return from exploring the Maze at mid-day so she could speak with him about the situation. 

        "Diego." said Susan as he saw the Latino boy re-enter the Glade. "You and I ineed to to talk." 

        Diego raised a sweaty eyebrow. "Why? am I in trouble or somethin'. Might as well call me by my full name if I am- oh wait. That's right... we don't know our full names." He giggled at his own horrible joke. 

        "Diego. I'm serious. It's about Luth. What are we going to do?" 

        After Susan and Luth, Diego was the highest in command. They were the Superior Trinity. Although there was a Council containing all the leaders of the different jobs, they were the ones who made the big decisions. They wore the big boy pants when it came to things like Luth's outrage. 

        "What we always do. Take a vote between the three of us." Diego spoke almost confidently.

        Susan glared at him. "Oh okay, because it's not like Luth is going to vote for himself to not be punished."

        "No, I mean he probably will, but there's three of us remember?" 

        "Yeah, but I mean what if we can't come to an agreement, Diego?"

        Diego laughed at how stupid that was coming from Susan's mouth considering how smart she usually is. "Now why would that happen, Suzy? I mean he obviously broke one of the rules we've established. Every Glader saw it too. Every Counil Leader saw it. He's for sure going to get punished."

        "I know. I know.. but what if we decide on a really big outcome... like... like.."

        "Being banished into the Maze?" Diego answered for her. "Well... yeah. That's probably going to be the decision. He touched another Glader with negative intentions. That's definitley worth being banished into the Maze." 

        Susan knew Diego was right. She just wished he wasn't. She didn't want Luth to die. He was the first Glader. Not only that, but he was important to her life. She didn't want him to be taken away from her. "Diego, how can you talk about banishing him so easily? How?"

        "Because... I've gotten used to the rules. I've gotten used to seeing people suffer and die because of WICKED. Plus... after what happened that day... after she... you know what I'm talking about. After that... my mind just hasn't been the same. I guess seeing THAT happen to HER made me realize that rules are rules, no matter how good of a person he or she may be. No matter if he or she changed the Glade for the better... no matter if he was the first ever Glader." 

        After having said that Diego went to go get some lunch. 

        Susan didn't stop him. Instead she just gleamed a look of despair and deep sadness. It had to happen. Luth was going to be banished into the Maze. Rules are rules.

C: The Group That Failed. (Maze Runner inspired fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now