Chapter 1, Part 2-The Annual Bayside Awards Ceremony

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Palisades Mall

"Oh My Gosh! Kelly, that dress looks fabulous on you!" Lisa squealed.

"You really think so...I feel like it's a little too tight." Kelly said as she was looking in the mirror fixing and adjusting her dress.

"Honey, it's fine. The tighter it is the better and plus, the color really compliments you. When Zack sees you in that thing, his heart is going to explode, and his eyes would not stay off your curves." Lisa smirked.

"Awww, thanks Lisa maybe I will take the dress." The bubbly brunette cheered while looking in the mirror again.

"Hey Jessie, what's taking so long in there?" Kelly called out to a dressing curtain.

"Give me a second!"

Jessie finally came out, wearing a white jumpsuit.

" do I look?" Jessie asked.

"Like a strong, beautiful woman." Lisa smiled.

"Great! That's exactly the look I was going for."

"You definitely pull off the jumpsuit look." Kelly complimented.

"So Lisa, what are you going to wear?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah, you haven't seemed interested in any of the dresses we looked at." Kelly pointed that out.

"Well, none of those dresses had caught my eye. I guess I'm just looking for the right one." Lisa nonchalantly shrugged while looking down at her nails.

"Well Lisa, you really should try to find it quickly because the event is tomorrow." Jessie advised.

"Yeah, and what if you don't find "the dress." Kelly folded her arms.

"Oh I will, Kelly. I'm not worried. I always find my outfits." Lisa stated.

"Oh-Kay, Lisa." Kelly stretched.

Hours later...

"Lisa, it's getting late and you still haven't found your dress." Kelly complained.

"You're going to have to choose one even if it's not "the one."

"Kelly, this is a very special night for me, and I don't want to wear just any dress. This is a night that I would want to tell my future kids about how perfect it was, starting with my outfit." Lisa whined. Kelly and Jessie both shared an eye roll.

"When I find the dress than I would kno-." A retail worker pushed a dress rack right next to Lisa. Lisa's eyes caught with a vibrant red dress that made her jaw drop.

"That's the one!" Lisa pointed.

"Ugh finally." Kelly and Jessie sang while getting up from the cushion seats.

Lisa grabbed the dress and motioned it to her body and twirled in front of the mirror.

"Oh my gosh, It's gorgeous Lisa." Kelly's eyes widened.

"I know and it's the right color!" She exclaimed with excitement and awe.

"Now let's hope that it fits." Lisa went behind the dressing curtain and out came a perfectly fitted dress.

"Oh Lisa." Jessie said in aw.

"That dress looks wonderful on you." Kelly admires.

"I know!" The girl squealed.

"And you told me to pick out any dress, like I would do such a thing."

They all chuckled.

"Well you proved me wrong." Kelly said followed by another chuckle.

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