Chapter 1, Part 1-The Annual Bayside Awards Ceremony

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"Every day the clock resets. Your wins don't matter. Your failures don't matter. Don't stress on what was, fight for what could be." 

-Sean Higgins

The day before the annual Bayside Award Ceremony, almost like the BET awards or Billboard awards, Grammys, you get the point. They are giving out prizes, credits, awards/trophies, and scholarships. This event happens once a year for the senior class. It's a fancy formal event that takes place at a rented hall with nice dim lights and candles on the table. (Oooohhh, setting the atmosphere). It's hosted by the fabulous Belding.

Disclaimer: This is all fictional and made up. I don't own most of these characters or the show itself. This show is called Saved By The Bell. None of this really happened on the show, except for some events and situations that took place. So no further ado, I hope you enjoy this story.🤗😁

***Also inspired by the fanfic (Saved by the bell: Graduate Years)

Moesha (Season 5, episode 8-Isn't She Lovely?)

And by***

Early morning at school.

It first starts off like any other day.

The three girls, Kelly, Jessie, and Lisa were walking down the hallway, talking and giggling with each other.

"I'm so excited about tomorrow night! There will be music and food-it's at a fancy hall. We will most likely win awards and will look hot doing so!" The bubbly brunette exclaimed. The girls had giggled at Kelly's last comment, while nodding their heads in agreement.

"I just can't wait! This is one of the last events we have together before we all....", Kelly paused and her mood changed. The bubbly brunette's smile faded as her eyes glossed over with tears.

"Before we all what, Kelly?" Lisa asked, concerned.

"Kel, what's wrong?" Jessie placed a hand on her friend's back.

"We will be.....graduating-leaving the school, and we'll attend different colleges and.....we wouldn't be best friends anymore." Kelly whimpered.

"Oh Kelly." Lisa went to hug her.

"Hey, we still have a couple months together, we can still spend every moment with each other while we still have time." Jessie touched Kelly's shoulder, assuring her that everything will be okay.

"Yeah, she's right. We shouldn't waste time thinking about something that hasn't even happened yet."

"Yeah, I guess you guys are right." Kelly formed a big smile.

"Ok, so now that's settled, we still gotta figure out what we are going to wear for tomorrow." Lisa exclaimed.

"You're right, Lisa. I've seen this formal wear shop at the mall, we can go check it out today after school." Jessie suggested, and the girls walked off with each other.


Soon came the guys, heading to the lockers.

"So Slater, since you still haven't found a date for tomorrow, I was thinking that maybe you should ask Katie out. She's a very beautiful girl and has a great figure, and no one has asked her out yet." Zack said to Slater.

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