When he comes out, we switch, and I go into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I'm lowly singing Back to Black, and when I'm done and turn to exit, Harry is leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face. "You have the most beautiful voice. I love hearing it. You should sing for me sometime."

I want to say no but I genuinely don't know what comes over me when I choke out, "Okay." He smiles widely and I correct myself. "But only if you do the same for me."

And well, fuck, I didn't expect him to agree.

I ignore the dread looming in my mind and remember what I had told myself a little while ago. Let the cards fall where they may, Delilah.

Instead of responding, I walk past him and grab my purse. I turn to him, "Should we drive separately?"

He looks confused, "Why?"

"Well, uh, if Jeff sees us arrive together, he might think-"

"If it makes you more comfortable, then we can drive separately. But I don't really care what Jeff would think." He shrugs. "Do you?"

I shake my head slowly, "No."

He gives a satisfied smile, "Great!" He turns and grabs his wallet off the desk. "Together, then?"

I nod, "Together."

We're walking into the office now and I can't stop shaking. Harry's keeping his hand on my lower back as we walk in, and it only slightly helps calm my nerves.

We ride the elevator and before I know it, we're standing in front of Jeff's office. I do my usual knock, and he glances up. "Hey! Oh, great you're both here! Take a seat, take a seat."

We both sit down tentatively and stare at Jeff until he speaks again, "So," He clasps his hands together. "I have news."

Harry and I both stare at him, waiting for him to continue. Jeff rolls his eyes at our lack of enthusiasm, "Okay, so I probably made it out to be way more dramatic than it actually is. This is just good news for me. I don't think you guys will actually care about it."

We continue to give him blank stares and he continues, "So, I'm going on vacation. For a month! I know, I know, I work so hard, I deserve this, blah blah. But," He emphasizes, "While I'm gone, Delilah, that means you're going to be taking on some more responsibility. Which brings us to him." He turns to face Harry, "You are that responsibility."

"Huh?" Harry and I speak at the same time.

"The work is basically just this week and then you have the next few weeks...off, I guess? I haven't worked out all the logistics, but this week is for meetings about Harry's tour. Nothing too big, to be honest, it's just one making sure the crew is set and another to make sure that the band is good to go. Harry has to be at those meetings and Delilah, I'm going to give you all the info you need to make sure everything runs smoothly. Oh, and then Harry has the London trip, of course. Sound good?"

My lips were parted, and I just nodded, Harry did the same. "Okay, great." Jeff hands me a stack of papers. "This is what you'll need to have at the meetings. I think there's one tomorrow and one on Thursday." Jeff clasps his hands together again, "Well, that's all. Just wanted to break the news in person. Later, kiddos." And he literally walks out with his briefcase.

Harry and I sit in silence before he speaks, "That was weird."

I look at him, "I know, right. What the hell?" We're both silent for a few seconds and I speak again, "What London trip was he talking about?"

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