Chapter 4

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A/N: This is one of those times where I include a song that doesn't really have to do with the chapter. I just think it's really good and I listened to it while I wrote this, so maybe you'd like to hear it while you read! Either way, you should listen to it, it's amazing!

Alright, here's chapter 4! x


The next few mornings had me waking up with a hollow feeling in my chest. Each night, I slept for maybe an hour, that hour filled with the same nightmare. And each day, I went to work and acted like nothing was wrong. But in my head, I kept thinking about what happened on Saturday as I did my usual morning routine of brushing my teeth and drinking iced coffee with Seb.

That's the whole routine.

It's Wednesday now and my dejected mood was still obvious. I walk into the kitchen where Seb has my iced coffee waiting for me and I couldn't hide my solemn expression. Seb frowned. "What's wrong, D? Did you have the nightmare again? Oh, and how was the club?"

I take my iced coffee from him, "Yeah, same nightmare. And I had fun. I mean, at the beginning at least. Towards the end, I don't know. Not so much."

We both take sips of our coffees at my pause. "It's just-" I continue. "I was having a good time. Harry said I should drink a little and have fun and so I did-"

"Hold up." Seb interrupts me. "You." He points at me. "You drank. Is that why you look so terrible?"

I give him a blank stare. "Aw, thanks, you're too kind to me." He returns a small smile with a shrug. "Anyway, as I was saying." I tease and look down at my coffee. "He said he'd drive me home if I drank too much and he gave this really long speech, and Seb, I was going to do it." His mouth falls open. "I was going to let someone else drive me. That's never happened before. I don't know what it is about him, but I felt so comfortable and trusting. Is that crazy?" I look up from my coffee and into Seb's blue eyes.

He shakes his head, "It's not weird at all. I think this is actually good for you. You're opening up to him already and you haven't even known him a week! But is that why the night was bad? You felt uncomfortable with how... comfortable he made you feel?"

"No, no, not at all. We were having fun. At least I was. It seemed like he was, too. He even wrote me this little note because he remembered how much I love handwritten stuff. We drank and we laughed, and he seemed like he was jealous when another guy from work tried dancing with me. But-"

Seb interrupts me again, "Ooh, he wants you." He sang, wiggling his fingers in my direction.

"But." I emphasize the previous point I was going to make. "It was probably just the alcohol. Towards the end, I thought we were going to kiss but someone bumped into us and we separated. And I'm kind of glad we did. He looked like he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life, Seb. He couldn't get away from me fast enough." I shook my head.

"Well, I still think he wants you. But if he doesn't then we can't trust him at all, can we? He clearly has no taste." Seb smiles at me and comes around the corner to hug me.

I laugh. "I really love you, Seb." He squeezes my shoulder, "Same here, D. Always." And he leaves me with my coffee and my thoughts.

I walk into work with my head held high, not letting anything, Harry or the nightmares, distract me from what I'm actually here to do. My job.

I ask Jeff to hand me the list of things he needs me to do for him and sit down at my desk in front of his office. I get them all done within my first hour there and find myself wanting to do more. I get up and walk a few steps to Jeff's office. "Hey." I knock on the doorframe. "I finished the stuff you needed me to, and lunch is on its way. Is there anything else you need?"

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