💀Wanted Dead Or Alive👼🏻

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When Will and Crimson leave the bathroom Margot excuses herself and says goodnight thanking Will for the glass of whiskey and his company.... however short lived it was.... she felt like an idiot thinking Will was single and that she could use him to create a baby would it be weird if she started to wonder just how potent her therapist is.... not that he would fall for her false charms he was by far too smart for that.... though she believes she may still have a chance with getting Will into bed with her yet if that woman interferes again she may not so she was going to have to make sure the woman doesn't interfere.... the next night Hannibal sends Randall after Will in his own home what he didn't count on however was Crimson being there as well.... Crimson stands by the screen door calming the dogs who were barking, jumping up on and scratching at it when they sensed an intruder nearby "what's wrong with them?!"  Will asks "I believe someone's here"  Crimson replies "where?!"  he asks looking out the window of the screen door "probably the woods"  she replies with a shrug "I'll go check"  he says giving her a kiss then grabbing his coat and shotgun rifle as she scoots the dogs back saying gently "let's let daddy take care of it.... come on"  once they were at a safe distance he opens the door and walks outside he runs back into the house not even a minute later when he heard Crimson call out with a frightened tone "Will!!"  then he hears the sound of shattering glass which makes him run even faster and as soon as he gets inside he hears her whisper "not the gun Will please not the gun!"  he drops the gun then tackles the beast that was going after the woman he loves who was trying her best to protect the pups from being hurt.... "what is wrong with you!?!"  Will asks breathlessly after he kills Randall "I didn't want you to worry about accidentally hitting me or the pups.... and I thought you'd like a chance to play hero instead of villain"  Crimson replies with a smile he looks down at her hands and sees that she was holding his fishing knife for protection and he chuckles she closes then drops the knife and rushes over to him wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him "you're going to get all bloody!"  he says with a soft chuckle in his tone "I don't care!"  she replies breathlessly he found it odd that he could sense her arousal though he supposed watching him fight a man in a skull mask "for her honor" does heat things up a bit then again it didn't take much for him and Hannibal to arouse her it seems just the sound of their voices, looking into their eyes and seeing them truly smile aroused her immensely truth be told he was filled with adrenaline himself and she always aroused him as well so they were equally aroused by one another even when they were in dangerous situations covered in blood and he making love to her with a dead body laying on their living room floor next to them before allowing her to take care of his wounds.... as small as they were.... and taking Randall's body to Hannibal's and laying it on his dining room table then standing at the head of it and waiting for him to get home.... "I'd say this makes us even I sent someone to kill you.... you sent someone to kill me and in turn put the woman we both love in danger.... which I will NEVER forgive you for!.... but either way Even-Steven"  Will says as soon as Hannibal enters the room Hannibal's eyes widen at the fact he put Crimson in danger he could have sworn she told him she'd be with Andrew and Sarah then soften when Will says "Even-Steven" and he nods then replies "consider it an act of reciprocity"  Will lets out a short soft chuckle through his lips then says "polite society normally puts such taboo on taking a life"  Hannibal replies as he walks over to the table looking down at Will's "masterpiece" "without death, we'd be at a loss it's the prospect of death that drives us to greatness did you kill him with your hands?"  Will says with a chuckle and a smile "she begged me not use the gun!.... but it was....!"  he pauses looking down at his bandaged knuckles and his mind replays the memory of making love to Crimson on the floor next to Randall's dead body which was the best sex he's had in his life if he were to be completely honest with himself and he says "intimate"  Hannibal walks around the table towards him as he says "it deserves intimacy you were Randall Tier's final enemy"  he takes Will's hand, lays it in his own and looks down at his bandaged knuckles then chuckles softly for he knew who had taken care of them....

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