Feeling Caged In

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"Crimson!!"   Will calls out as he watches Crimson drive away he stands up and begins to wonder why she was leaving him he knew it had nothing to do with Hannibal for he knew she loves him just as much as they (Will and Crimson) love each other "she knows we have to call Jack.... she knows I wouldn't want her to be a part of that!"  Will whispers to himself after a long pause as though he was trying to give himself a excuse as to why she left him "Will.... tell me what happened"   Hannibal says and Will does as he leads his friend inside.... Will's dogs were brought to Sarah and Andrew's ranch home.... that was once Crimson's.... when Will was arrested for a murder he doesn't remember committing when Will heard from Alana who had his dogs and he couldn't help but smile it was the first smile both Jack and Alana have see on him in a long while and it made Alana extremely jealous.... when Hannibal found out where the dogs were he went there hoping to see Crimson but Crimson wasn't there and neither was Winston "Crimson took Winston for a drive"  Sarah tells him "and she left the others here?!"  he asks "well.... we took them all for a walk earlier but it's like she once said he has separation anxiety and with Will well "gone" in a sense it's in overdrive"  she replies Hannibal nods "would you like to come in?!"   she asks "I would love too!"  he replies with a smile she moves out of the way so he could walk inside and he just about gets knocked down by a Andrew hug for the young man rushed over to him as soon as he heard his footfalls enter the home and wrapped his arms around the tall mans waist Hannibal stayed for awhile then left saying he had an appointment to get to he gave his goodbyes and left sad and upset that he didn't see Crimson at all.... when Will escaped from the police the first person he wanted to see was Crimson so he found a payphone and called her asking her to meet him and that is what she did she drove until she found the walking Jack-o-Lantern and heard Winston bark at him from the back of the truck she pulls over and opens the passenger side door allowing Will to climb in which he did and once he was seated his lips immediately planted themselves on hers making her chuckle he smiles when he feels his lips vibrate "I hope you don't mind.... I borrowed one of your previously worn shirts and made Winston the stuffed animal that sits in-between us.... with his separation anxiety and no idea how long you'll be away I.... hoped it might help him...."  she tells him he looks down and sees a teddy bear sitting in the middle of the seat and chuckles with a smile then says "no.... I don't mind"  she says "they took the lures"  he replies softly "....I know....!"  she tells him "no.... you don't understand.... the ones they found the bits of "your" past victims on were the ones I made!"  he looks at her wide eyed then says "no!.... I won't allow you too!"   he pauses then says "I would rather be put away than ever see you in there"  she slides her hand over his thigh he places his hand over hers and squeezes it "so.... where too?!"  she asks he chuckles softly then replies "you know where"  she sighs then drives towards Hannibal's office.... Will looks around with a confused expression on his face when Crimson parks in a empty nature park "before we go anywhere else I think we need to switch places with Winston for awhile.... if you're brave enough that is!.... are you feeling brave Special Agent Will Graham!?!"   she teasingly coos as she alluringly looks into his eyes he smiles then teasingly purrs as he leans closer to her "I just escaped from prison I'm feeling especially brave!"  his lips meet hers and they moan in harmony then they quickly get out of the truck and somehow coax Winston to change spots putting him in the front cab of the truck then they close the door and kiss their way to the back of the truck where they climb in, lay down while stripping one another of each others clothes and make sensually erotic passionate love to one another that was a mix of Hannibal's animalistic hard and Will's gentle once they were spent they redressed then once again switched places with Winston and drove the rest of the way to Hannibal's office where she dropped him off then drove home with Winston taking his place in the front of the truck and laying with his new teddy bear for extra comfort seeing Winston cuddle up with the stuffed animal made from his shirt made Will smile but of course his happiness was short lived for as soon as he saw Hannibal's office building reality sunk in....

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