The Second Task

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The second Triwizard event was pure mental torture for me. By the law of nature, Nephilim wings and water did not work together well. So while the champions were fighting who knew what beneath the waves of the lake, I had to stand on the sidelines with the rest of the staff waiting for them.

Severus stood next to me as I fidgeted, shifting my weight from foot to foot. Glancing sidelong at me, he whispered, "Are you going to be alright?"

I nodded in reply and tried my best to stand still. Despite everything I wanted to do, there was nothing in fact that I could do. For this task, I wasn't security, I was just another bystander. 

Each champion that surfaced with their loved one was a breath of relief for me. I watched as one by one they came up from the water to cheers from the spectators surrounding the lake. But there was one who was running behind.

The Potter boy.

He surfaced with first one person, then another before crawling out of the water. Despite my nervous agitation, I couldn't help but admire his determination to not leave anyone behind.

"It's over," Severus said, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I know," I replied, turning with him to head back towards the castle.

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