New Friend

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"Come on kid," dad said, ushering me into the private plane. He said we were going somewhere for his Avengers business and it would just be a quick trip.

I nodded and walked into the back of the plane- my corner. It was filled with Star Wars action figures and books. In front of the comfortable seat, there was a TV with all the Star Wars movies and a few others downloaded.

"Okay Happy!" Dad called out to the front of the jet. "We are ready to go."

Happy didn't say anything, he just shut the door separating us and started doing whatever he needed to do up there. It was pointless trying to learn how to use the controls because every week or two, dad upgraded it.

As the plane flew into the sunny sky, I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen on this super cool Avenger mission. Even though I had my really awesome spider powers, dad refused to let me join them.

I got bitten by a radioactive spider at a field trip two years ago, in fifth grade. Some stupid person has this idea of sending elementary schoolers to a super dangerous place with dangerous spiders.

Since then, I have made these really cool webshooters and a red and blue suit. I suddenly had this absurd thought, what if dad was taking me to become an Avenger? I found a big from spreading on my face.

"We are arriving at Katniss's house in five minutes," Friday announced from the loud speakers. Katniss was dad's nickname for Uncle Clint. "Katniss wishes to inform you his kids are also going to be there."

"Tell him Peter will also be there," dad said. He looked back towards my little corner of Star Wars, " You can hang out with the kids while Clint and I talk Avengers. "

"Okay," I said. At least kids would be there. Last time dad went somewhere important and dragged me along, I had to listen to them talk about some boring old people thing for five hours.

When the plane touched the ground, I followed dad out of the plane and into the yard of a house near the field we landed in. Two kids came running out followed by Uncle Clint.

"Kids, Mr. Stark and I need to talk about grown up stuff," Clint said, trying to calm down his kids.

"But that's Iron Man..." The younger sibling, a girl, whined. She paid no attention to me and kept begging her dad to let her meet my dad .

"Yeah. I want to meet-" then the older sibling looked at me. "Who's that?"

Clint sighed in relief. "That is Peter, Mr. Stark's son," Clint explained to his children, "He can probably answer your questions about Iron Man."

The two adults went into the house, leaving me alone with Happy and Clint's two kids. "So..." the girl said, "My name is Lila."

"And I'm Cooper," The boy grinned. "I never knew Tony Stark had a son."

I shrugged, I was used to the questions. When Scott's daughter learned of my existence, she was also surprised. "Dad wants me to have a normal life before he passes the company to me."

"Oh, cool," Lila said, "Our dad had someone named furry keep us off some file thing."

"Fury," Cooper corrected. I always wanted a sibling, but dad kept saying no. I might have met Fury a couple times at dad's boring S.H.I.E.L.D. meetings and stuff. 

"What do you guys like doing in your free time," I said when it turned into an awkward silence. Cooper and Lila seemed okay based on the past few minutes. Happy was just standing in the shade of a tree scrolling through his phone. 

"Um..." Lila thought about her answer for a moment, "Dad is teaching us archery after school and I also like listening to music."

"Even though I'm not really good at it, I like archery. Reading is fun too," Cooper said, and after a moment he added, "What about you?"

"Well," I couldn't tell them about my spider powers or anything, "I like building things and Star Wars."

Cooper gaped, "You like Star Wars too?" Lila rolled her eyes. 

--2 hours later--

"-bout it with Fury," Clint said walking down the front steps with Dad. Dad later told me that his meeting consisted of a surprise visit from Fury and dead ends. A hour and forty-five minutes ago, Cooper somehow snuck into the house without Dad or Uncle Clint noticing. 

Dad looked down at his watch, "We should go soon. This is about the third meeting with kids and Peter has never really 'connected' with them before. I don't expect him to this time. No offence."

"None taken," Clint said, "Lila and Cooper are probably bored out of their minds right now if what you said is true."

Cooper and I were seeing who could list the most Star Wars characters while Lila kept count and checked if we were bluffing. 

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot him!" Cooper said after I recited one more character than him. We ignored Dad and Uncle Clint. 

And from then on, we became friends. 

866 words

Really cringy ending. I was thinking about a part two with Cooper finding out Peter is Spider-Man. How does that sound?

I NEED REQUESTS/SUGGESTIONS! Please comment here or PM me if you have any. 

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