Happy Birthday Stella pt. 3

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  "Yes! Strike!" I exclaim. "Wow, you're like really good at this." Matt says, going up for his turn. "I've been playing for four years. Yeah, I'm pretty good." I say. After about an hour and a half of bowling, maybe two, Duke and Kali meet us at the bowling alley. It was my turn to bowl, so I grabbed my ball, lined it up, and I was about to throw when, "Boo!" Duke shouts from behind me. "Jesus!" I jumped. The ball plopped down on the wood flooring and started slow rolling away. I was stupid enough to chase after the ball, and slip on the lane. We all started laughing as I layed on the floor, the ball still slowly rolling away. "Okay, hurry get off before you get in trouble." Duke chuckles. He walked over and helped me back up. "Where did you guys go?" I ask. "Oh, nowhere, we just had to do some things at the house." Kali says. "Oh, okay then." I say. "Well, you guys want to join in? We've got one more game." I offer. "Yeah, sounds fun." Duke says. "You know I suck, but yeah." Kali says. After we finish that last game, I start to get hungry. "Hey, is anyone else up for some lunch?" I ask. "Well, that depends. Where?" Matt asks. "How about Chick-fil-a?" I ask. "Oh my god, yess!" Tati says. "So, sounds good?" I ask. Everyone nods, and we start to leave. "I'll go put the shoes back." I say. I take everyone's bowling shoes and bring them up to the counter. After that, we all grab our stuff, and leave. "Who's riding with who?" I ask. "You want to ride with me?" Duke asks. "Yeah!" I say happily. "Kali, why don't you come with us?" Matt asks. "Yeah, I'd love to." Kali says gladly. "Alright, well we'll meet you guys there then." Duke says. We all get in the cars and Duke drives off, with Matt and the girls following. "So, did you have fun bowling?" Duke asks. "A lot, yeah." I say. "Good." He replies. "Oh! I forgot to tell you. I got recognized for the first time!" I say happily. "Really?" Duke asks in excitement. "Yeah! I even got a picture with the girl." I say. "That's amazing!" Duke congratulates. We soon get to chick-fil-a, and wait for Matt, Tati, and Kali to get there. Duke and I were sitting on the grass in front of where the car is parked. "It's a really pretty day today." I point out. "You're prettier." Duke mumbles. "What?" I ask. "You're prettier." He repeats. I smile at him and blush as I look down. I can see him smiling from the corner of my eye. "Do you think they ran into some angry man again?" I question. "No, probably just traffic or something." Duke laughs. Him and I sit and talk for a few more minutes until the rest of the group gets here. "Maybe they brought the crazy man with them." Duke jokes. I chuckle and we both stand up. Duke goes back to the car to get his wallet while I wait for Tati, Matt, and Kali to get out of the car. "Sorry, traffic." Matt says. "It's alright." I say. "Shall we go in then?" Duke questions, walking up behind me. Everyone walks into the restaurant and we wait in line to order our food. There were medal fences separating where the lines needed to be, so I decided to sit on it. I jumped up, sat down, and unexpectedly fell backwards and hit my head on the ground. "Oow." I groaned, holding the back of my head. "Jesus, are you okay?" Duke asks worriedly. "Yep, just fine." I say. He helps me back up and I lean on him while we wait. I soon started giggling at the situation, it was definitely funny. "Next." The cashier calls. All of us were up next in line so we walked up. "Oh, goodness that's a lot of you." He chuckles. All of us order, and go sit down somewhere. "Windoowwww." I say. I run over to a big booth by the window, and Duke sits next to me, Tati then sitting next to him. Matt and Kali decided to sit next to eachother on the other side of us. "How's your head?" Duke asks. "Good. I had a headache for a few minutes but I'm good now." I say. We all talk for a bit until our food gets here. My eyes light up, when I see the meals. "Haha, yes." I say. The lady puts our food down on the table, smiles, and walks away. All of us rummage through the pile of food until we all find our meals. "I haven't had food from here in a few years." I say, then taking a bite out of my fry. "I've never eaten here." Matt says. All of our eyes widen as we turn to Matt. "What, what did I do?" He asked, mouth full of chicken. "You've never eaten here, you're kidding." Tati says. "No, I'm serious." He says. "That's absurd." Kali says. "Exactly, who hasn't eaten at chick-fil-a before?" I question. "Apparently him." Duke says. "You've got an issue man." I say jokingly. "Hey, you guys want to go in the play place when we are done?" I ask with a wink. "You're kidding." Kali says. "No, dead serious." I say. "Dead sirius black." Kali references. I go wide eyed and slap my hand over my mouth. "Not cool." I say. "Anyway, I'm going in the play place whether you guys want to come or not." I say. We talk a while more until we all finish our food. I was blocked my Duke and Tati, so I decided to crawl under the table to get our of the booth. "You idiot." Kali jokes. "You would have done the same thing." I say. I grab my phone, and run into the play place. "Come on!" I shout, jestering everyone to follow. They laugh and follow me into the children's play structure. I quickly climbed to the top and waited for everyone else. I could see a bunch of adults giving us weird looks from the ground. I mean, considering we were a bunch of adults I guess it made sense. I saw Duke come up toward me, and he tried to grab my foot. Before he could get me I rushed into the little tunnels and ran away. The place was quite big, so was the play structure. So it made it easy for me to hide from everyone. I hid in a little cubicle thing with a plastic steering wheel inside. Not long after that, Duke came in with me. But, his hand slipped and he ended up falling on top of me. We both laughed, until Duke said something that gave me extreme butterflies. "Guess this wasn't the first time I was on top of you." He says softly. My face turns red and my smile fades into an embarrassed look. His straight face turns into a smile, and he sits back up. "Why don't we go find the others." Duke suggests. "Oh, y-yeah." I stutter nervously. We start to crawl around more, until we see Matt and Kali through a see through plastic window. Out of nowhere, they just randomly kissed eachother. Duke and I looked at eachother, in shock. We smiled and slowly crawled back so they could enjoy their little "moment". "I'm gonna go down the slide." I say. "Not unless I get there first." Duke laughs. We quickly crawl over, and before I could go in the slide, Duke pushes me down. I guess his plan failed, because he accidentally slid down with me too. Though, it was more a tumble than sliding. We both fell out and I landed on top of him. "Sorry, that wasn't my plan." Duke laughs. The both of us get back up, and go back inside th structure. After a while of screwing around, we all decided to leave.

Hey! Sorry it's a late chapter, but I was a little distracted today 😅 I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope you liked the chapter! Next one will be posted sometime tomorrow.

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