"I don't know why I did that."

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   Duke keeps driving around for about 20 minutes. "Why can't you just tell me where we are going?" He asks. "You said you knew, so I'm going to let you figure it out." I said with a grin. 15 minutes later he still couldn't figure it out. "Okay, just let me drive." I giggled. "Okay." He said. He didn't hesitate. He just parked the car and got out so we could switch seats. Once Duke got out of the car, I handed checks to him and moved over to the driver's seat. I waited for Duke to get buckled in. Once he was all good, I started driving. It only took about five minutes, and we were there. "How many times did I pass it." Duke asks with his hand on his head. "Nine times. In counting." I chuckled. "Why didn't you-" he starts to say. "Actually don't answer that question." He says. I laughed at him a bit, and then we got out and opened the trunk. "I'll open the door and let checks in." I said. As I walked over to the door, checks followed me. I unlocked, and opened it. Checks ran straight in and started running around the house. I giggled, and Duke walked by me with all of Check's things. I went to the car and grabbed my bags, and walked inside. I tossed Duke his keys, and he went to lock the car and close the trunk. I put the bags in my room and sat down on the couch. Duke walked inside and closed the door. "We should order some food." I said. "Its like six right now, about time for food." I said. "Wait, did we even get to eat the in-n-out that we bought?" I asked. "No." Duke said. "We are getting in-n-out." I said, while pulling up the Uber eats app. Duke seemed to agree. I ordered the food, and then decided to go set up a little spot for checks. "Where did you put checks stuff?" I asked Duke. "On the counter." He said, while looking at his phone. "Oh." I said. I grabbed his dog bed and put it against the wall, on the right of the door. I put his food and water bowl next to it, and put some toys around too. I put his food bag in our pantry and sat down. Suddenly, I remembered, that my Veruca Salt costume was here. I gasped and ran to  my room, because that's where I put it when I was last here. "What is it?" Duke called from the living room. "Hold on!" I called out, as I was putting the costume on. I came out, looking like Veruca Salt. "I forgot it was here so I decided to try it on." I said to him. He was trying not to laugh, I could tell. "You can laugh. It's okay." I chuckled. Duke and I laughed about it for a bit, until the door rang. I answered it, and forgot that I had the costume on. It was the Uber eats guy. He gave me a strange look, and I looked down and remembered. My face turned bright red, and Duke was laughing his ass off. "Shut up." I said to Duke in a serious tone. I was trying to keep a straight face when I said it and somehow, I managed. Duke, stopped laughing. "This is my Halloween costume." I said to the guy. "Oh okay." He said. He handed me the food, and I walked over and grabbed my wallet. "Here." I said, while handing him $35 I owed him $23.68 but I wanted to tip him. "Keep the change." I said with a smile. He smiled back, and walked off. I closed the door and put the bag with our food on the coffee table. "I'm gonna change out of this, you can start eating." I said to Duke while walking into my room. I looked on the side of my bed and saw something shoved between the bed and the wall. I pulled it out, and it was Duke's clothes. It was the playboy bunny shirt, and the white and black sweats. I decided that I wanted to wear those. I changed out of my costume, and into Duke's clothes. I walked out with a huge smile. Duke looked up and giggled. "Sorry I didn't give it back, I saw it and wanted to wear it again." I said. "Keep it." He says. "What?" I questioned. "Keep it. Plus, it looks better on you than it does me. He says with a smile. Duke stood up and I ran over to hug him. "Did you eat anything yet?" I ask him as I let go. "No I was waiting for you." He says. I smiled, and kissed him. After I pulled away I had realized what just happened. My eyes grew wide, and my entire body turned completely red. "I-I Um, I- Sorry, I-" I struggled to get my words out. "I- I don't know wh-why I did that." I stuttered nervously, as I let go of him. He just looked at me, his face red, and eyes wide as well. His mouth was stuck open, I could tell he didn't really know what to say. "Um, w-why, why don't we just um, why don't we just eat our food, a-and um, watch a movie." I nervously suggested. "Um, y-yeah." He said, embarrassed. "Um, just go on Netflix, or Hulu, or something and pick out something to watch. I'll get some plates." I said while handing Duke the remote, and walking to the counter with our food. I was still in shock, thinking of what I did. We've kissed three times now. One of which he didn't know about, but we still kissed three times. "Hey, how about 'Big Time Adolescence'?" He asks. "Let me see." I said while walking over. "Oh yeah! I've been wanting to watch that." I said with a smile. "Okay, cool." He says. I walked back over and brought the plates to the couch. "Okay, here's your hamburger and fries." I said, while handing him his plate. "Do you want any sauce?" I asked him. "I have honey mustard, ketchup, regular mustard, ranch which I don't even use, and barbecue sauce. Which I also don't use." I said. "Honey mustard sounds good." He says. "Okay." I replied. I walked over to the fridge, and grabbed the honey mustard. I put some on my plate, and gave him the bottle.

  We finished up with our food, and continued to watch the movie. "Wait isn't that the kid from 'Tall Girl' or something?" I questioned. "Oh my gosh it is!" He says. "We are already half way through the movie and we didn't realize. Wow." I said, with a small giggle. A few minutes later, I see Duke attempting that fake yawn trick. I looked at him and he just stopped. I grabbed his arm and pulled it around me. "If you want to do that, don't do that stupid little fake yawn trick. Just put your arm around me." I said. He got super red and couldn't stop smiling from embarrassment. I just laughed a little bit, and scooted in closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that throughout the whole movie. Once it ended we decided to watch another one. Duke grabbed the remote and started to go through all the shows and movies. We went on Netflix and decided to watch a movie called 'The Package' it was really funny. Once that movie ended, Duke and I decided to go to bed, since Kali would be home tomorrow. "You could sleep in my bed and I could sleep in Kali's." I suggested. "Or you could sleep in hers or something." I said. "Where do you want to sleep?" I asked him. "I think I can sleep in Kali's bed. If that would be alright with her." He says. "Oh she'd be more than happy to know you slept in her bed. So for that reason, let's not tell her." I said, giggling. "Alright, I'll see you in the morning then." Duke says. "Yes, you will. Goodnight Duke!" I said, while giving him a hug. I walked into my room, and layed down on my bed. It took me a while to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Duke. But eventually, I got tired enough to where I was able to.

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