[14] He'll sooner be dead

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The sickening sound of a crack fills the tense air as my fist collides with Carter's jaw, pain splitting up my arm. I can't feel the excruciating pain as I watch the dark haired boy's head fly back as he is knocked against the wall. I fist the collar of his t-shirt in my hand, yanking him off the wall and pushing him to the ground, sitting on top of him as I bring my fist back to punch his nose and his eyes. Hot tears stream down my face with no sign of stopping, and I can't hear anything. My ears are ringing, and I can't hear the sound of Carter's pleas leave his unforgiving mouth as he spits blood from his swollen throat.

I feel strong hands gripping my shoulders, trying to get me off the boy, but I fight against them, screaming illegible words from my muddled mind. I kick at Carter, who pulls his arms up to block his face, my sticky tears dripping off my chin to fall down and wet my shirt. My knuckles are ripped open from the force I used them for, blood flowing smoothly from my pale skin to drip across the clean hardwood floors, and to land right on Carter's jeans. I feel the stabbing pain erupt from inside my skin, my eyes burning from the hot tears slipping over the sides.

"Luke!" Ashton cries out, wrapping his large hands around my arms and yanking me forcefully back. I am pulled off of Carter, much to the tan boy's relief, but I continue screaming at him, forcing words from my bruised tongue. Blood fills my mouth from the number of times I have bitten my lips, but I continue to shout, my throat scorching. "Luke, get the fuck off him!"

"He did this!" I cry, spitting blood from my mouth. "He did this!" I thrash in Ashton's arms, doing everything I can to get out of his grip and get back to the bloody boy in front of me, who is slowly crawling to his knees, gripping onto the wall as he leaves bloody handprints on the white walls. His chest heaves, his eyebrows lowered as his eyes analyze me from where I am captured in Ashton's grasp.

Ashton finally kicks me in the side, knocking the breath out of my lungs. I keel over, sucking in oxygen as I try and get air to my blood cells as soon as possible, feeling like a fish out of water. I cough viciously, wincing at the blood that drips down my chin. I know Ashton didn't mean to hurt me, just to get me to calm down. I pull away from Ashton's clutch on me and move to the couch, collapsing on it. I watch my blood sink into the fabric, not caring when I realize it will stain.

The hazel eyed boy turns to Carter, who wilts a little under his roommate's stare. I watch Ashton's jaw clench, the muscles standing more prominent against his skin. His hair is a mess on his head, falling into his eyes in thick curls, but he doesn't bother pushing it away as he gazes at Carter, unblinking.

"Carter," He says, his voice low and still, seeping into the air like honey. Carter's knuckles turn white from his grip on the doorframe. "You better fucking explain right now."


"And you don't you fucking dare lie to me."

Carter shuts his eyes for a moment, leaning back against the wall for support. Ashton and I stare at him, watching every move with intense hatred. Calum stands by the front door, one hand on his suitcase and the other hanging limply by his side, his lips parted as he watches us in pure confusion. I don't have the energy to greet him, to give him a welcoming hug and show him around the small house, and I don't want to force a fake smile on my face when the one person I'm sure I love has been taken away into the night.

"I work for them, okay?" Carter sighs, running a hand through his matted hair. "I have for like, three years. It's just-- it's not right! A human, with cat ears? And a tail?" Carter shakes his head, not looking at any of us. I clench my fists, wanting to wipe the grimace off his face. "I'm sorry. I had to. I just-- I just had to."

The room falls into silence, the only sound being Carter's strangled breathing. Ashton is staring at his roommate, his expression completely blocked. I can't distinguish what he is thinking as he stares at Carter with no emotion written on his face.

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