"Okay, let me search your name in the system," Jay begins to walk back toward the front desk. His sweet-smelling cologne follows behind him.

        "No," Amy calls after him. She lowers her voice. "I... I'm not a member." Jay begins to speak but she cuts him off. "I just need a shower, okay? I'll be quick." She hates having to guilt people into doing things for her. She has always been the proud type.

        "Miss, I'm sorry. I can't do that." There is no apologetic tone in his voice. "Why don't you just take a shower at your own damned house." Except Amy didn't have one. She  avpoids his eyes. "Why don't you get outta here." Jay's voice is harsh, but still quiet so the few people at the gym didn't hear him. Amy walks pass him, her eyes swelling with tears. "Freeloader," Jay whispers toward her.

        Amy makes her way to East Coast Baptist, a church that offers aid to the city's homeless. At the door, the ushers take one look at her and know why she approaches the church. "Hello, sweetie. Right this way." They point her pass the church's sanctuary and into their spill out area. Some volunteers hand her brochures that display the church's times of service. She smiles and politely packs them in her pocket.

        The last time Amy showered here at the church, someone stole her clothes. Back then, she still had most of her belongings from when she was first released from the foster home. She still had her mother's necklace, but that was months ago.

        Amy enters the shower, hanging her duffel bag where the shower head meets the wall. It might get everything wet, but at least she'll still have everything.


        "Times up, girl," says someone from behind the curtain of the shower. This voice is harsher than the voices that greeted her earlier. Without a towel to dry herself, Amy tries her best to quickly put on her clothes. The stench they carry is mild. Regardless, she still feels much better after this shower. She grabs her bag and draws back the curtains.

        "What is it? Drugs?" The woman wears the robe of a minister. "Answer me, is that why you're on these streets? You're tiny."

        Amy stays silent.

        "Are you selling yourself?"

        "No." The minister sneers. "What? You don't believe me? I'm without a place to stay, not without my integrity."

        "Good. I hope to see you this Sunday then. I'm Pastor Waters." She offers her hand, Amy hesitates. "I don't bite. I just needed to know your situation so I can better help you."

        Amy shakes her hand, but is weak compared to Pastor Waters' strong grip.

        "When's the last time you've eaten?" Amy shrugs. "Go back out the door in you came in,  to the left is the kitchen." She smiles.

        In the kitchen, there is a plump women with a large afro and hoop earrings. "Hey, sugar! Look at you!" The woman hugs her, despite the stench on her clothes. "We have to get some meat on those bones. Now, the showers are only open a few days a week, but honey, my kitchen's always open! 2 p.m. til 5, I want to see you back here, we ain't lettin' a soul starve!"

        She hands Amy a small box of about 6 canned goods, the type you can open without a can opener, and a plate of food.

        After eating in the sanctuary with a few other people like her, Amy heads out. The Pastor asked everyone to stay for a prayer, but Amy can't take anymore of their kindness. She can't take any more of their hand outs.

        Reaching the library, Amy searches through her bag for her library card. Afraid she has lost it, she sits on the sidewalk, carefully taking out every item in the bag. There's a bout 3 shirts and two pants, some slippers (the cheap kind that they give out at nail salons when you get a pedicure) and a book, but no card. Looking through her pockets, she finally finds it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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