56. All's well ends well

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Yoon Jin is smiling. Her mother finally appears again in public. She never knows her mom got poisoned.

Irene holds her hand.

She says, "Don't feel guilty anymore. You didn't know because I didn't tell you. Don't want you to be worried sick."

The Empress stares a man who is ordering servants to arrange the tables for the charity event. His name is Kim Mingyu. Jin has spoken highly of him toward the Empress.

She glances her daughter. Yoon Jin is staring him when she thinks no one is looking at her.

Irene asks, "Do you like him?"

Yoon Jin looks another way.

She lies, "No."

"You aren't young anymore. Time to get married."

"Mother, I already got three dead fiances. I don't want to curse Mingyu too."

"Silly child. I believed Hyungbin might be responsible for their deaths. He was head over heels for you. Everyone has known it since a long time ago."

Yoon Jin is silent. She still couldn't believe she almost married a true villain.

She asks, "Mother, I'm scared. What if he wasn't the one for me? What if I was wrong again? I thought Hyungbin was a good guy."

"Hyungbin fooled everyone, including your father. Don't feel so down."

"What if it's all my fault? If only I accepted his love sooner, he might..."

A man behind her suddenly says, "He would still do everything in the end. His greed knew no limits. Stop blaming yourself, princess. He was the villain. You are only an innocent bystander."

Kim Mingyu has dark circles around his eyes. Life has been Hell to him since he followed the Prime Minister. His Master only demanded the best from him. He was required to fix everything. Even in the middle of the night.

Yoon Jin asks, "You look horrible. What happened?"

"I'm beginning to think execution is easier than this."

"Don't say that. Please sit down and rest first."

"I can't. The event is starting soon. Hopefully it would run smoothly. Prime Minister would chew me out if I blew it."

The Empress orders, "Please have some snacks with us. You look too tired. We don't want you to collapse out of fatigue."

Mingyu looks reluctant but finally he sits down next to Yoon Jin. Refusing an Empress' request. Absolutely not. He doesn't want to get executed.

The Empress asks a lot of questions regarding the allocated fund. Mingyu replies her as best as he could. He has travelled a lot in his younger days. He knows a lot about commoners and their daily necessities.

The barbarian regions lack of water. Mingyu has proposed to dig more wells for them. He also proposes to plant more vegetations. Forests would provide more water in the future.

The southern parts always suffered from great flood. He proposes to build numerous dams. Farmers would be profited in the draught season. It would reduced flood in rainy season.

Jin and other ministers have suggested the same methods in the past. Mingyu has divided the plans into more comprehensive ones.

The Empress nods her head. This man is a talented one. She glances at Yoon Jin. She coughs before she stands up.

Irene says, "I'll look for my old friends. Please chat here."

Mingyu looks like he is going to leave. Yoon Jin stands up too.

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