Chapter 5 - The Base

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External POV:

The elements arrived in the base. "Well... There weren't any people in a long time. " Reported Sparker. " You thought it would shine after twenty years? " Grumbled Nighty. " This Nighty is quite mean... " Whispered Sparker in Aqua's ear. " Well... yeah. " murmured Aqua back. Nighty pulled out a crate from the storage room. " Where did you get that? " wondered Blossom. " From the storage room. " answered the darkness element. " You know where is that? " continued asking the girl. " Yeah. My dad showed me the whole base when i was young. " answered the boy again. "Lucky..." whispered Blossom. " Only if you knew how others treated me, then you wouldn't say this! " yelled Nighy while searching something. " How on earth did he heard it?! " wondered the plant element. " My dad said Shadow had a great hearing too. " Spoke Breezy. " The lamp is broken... " hummed Spark. " Should i help? " asked Breezy. Sparker nodded and Breezy lifted the lamp with her wind. Soon after, light filled the room. " It's done! Now, it's time to draw the rooms! " shouted the fire element. " Well... We just have to change the signs... " answered himself awkwardly Sparker. " Hmmmm... And what should we do... With this Poison's room? " Wondered Sparker while reaching out for the purple door's latch. " DON'T OPEN IT!! " Screamed the boy's four crewmates at the same time. " Okay, okay! I understood! " smiled the boy nervously while slipping away from the door.
When they were done with everything, they sat down on the sofa together. " I think we should speak a little about each other! " suggested Aqua. " Can i start? " asked Blossom. The others nodded. " Im Blossom, the plant element. I have two siblings, Tulip and Derek. I can control these tendrils on my arms, and i can grow flowers. " finsihed Blossom her introduction. " Okay! The next is Nighty! " said Aqua happily. " I rather pass it to someone else... " grumbled the darkness element. " Okay! Then Sparker! " turned the girl to the fire element. " Im Sparker, the fire element. I have a brother, Blaze. I can ignite things, and control it. If im sad, or if im damaged, the flame on my head becomes weak. Im immune to fire. " chatted the boy. " Alright! Breezy, you next! " blinked at the girl Aqua. " Im breezy, the air element. I have no siblings. I can control wind, and i can make a tornado. " spoke Breezy. " Now Nighty! " said Aqua. " No. " objected the boy. " Fine, then me. Im Aqua, the water element. I have two sisters, Wavy and Kelp. I can control the water and the bubbles, and i can inhale in the water. " finished Aqua. " Now Nighty! " shouted Sparker. " Yeah, Nighty! " joined Blossom. " Nighty! Nighty! Nighty! "blared the four cats at the same time. " Fine, fine... Im Nighty. Darkness elment. I have no siblings. I can wear an unique black camouflage, and I can attack with darkness ball. " Spoke Nighty uncormfoltably, and the crew went to sleep..

My 'partner in crime': Its_Just_A_Raxy

5 Cat Element (season 1) - I have changed (!English translation) Where stories live. Discover now