Chapter 1, Part 1-The Annual Bayside Awards Ceremony

Start from the beginning

"Well how about Karen. She is definitely a babe if you know what I mean." Screech added while elbowing and winking at him.

"Thanks guys, but no. I already have a list of pretty girls who all want to be my date, check here." Slater announces as he pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket. He nods his head and gives his dimple-like smile.

The two guys take a look. "Whoa Slater, you really got a list of girls on here!" Screech blurted.

"Well you know, the ladies love me. How can they resist this one beautiful body." Slater conceitedly jokes.

"Ok well how about Cindy, she's a very pretty blonde who has a lot of fun." Zack points to the name while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh well see, actually I was thinking about taking Mindy instead."

"Ok then Mindy it is." Zack nods in agreement.

"But now you got me thinking about taking Cindy out."

"Ok well that settles it, Cindy is the winner."

"But then again, Mindy is the one with the cute dimple on the left side of her cheek, and I think we would make an excellent couple-twinning in fact." Slater smirks at knowing what he's doing.

"Just choose one already! It shouldn't be so hard because they are identical twins." The annoyed blonde rolled his eyes.

"Ok fine, Preppy. I will choose...mmm...Linda." Slater threw a playfully grin.

"Tch, you're annoying Slater, you know that right." Zack chuckles under his breath while shaking his head.

"Wait, which Linda?"

Slater starts making hand gestures and body motions.

"Ohhhhhh, that Linda. Excellent choice my friend." Zack says and dabs Slater.

"Wait, are we talking about Linda with the unibrow and cracked tooth." Screech asked, not getting with the program. They both looked at him with confused faces that read "what?" on it, and then shook their heads.

"Ok tell me Screech, are you still bringing Violet?" Slater asked.

"Oh yeah, she's coming here today actually!" The happy dork beams.

"It's been months since I've seen her and I'm really nervous that I forgot to wear clean underwear today." Screech added.

Zack and Slater took a step away from Screech, scrunching up their faces.

Zack laughs it off then turns to question Slater on why he didn't ask Jessie to be his date in the first place.

"Well you know Preppy, there comes a time where two people decide that it's best if they just keep as friends, and that's what me and Jessie are and will always be." Slater said, trying to be deep. "But enough about me and my love life, what's going to happen to you and Kelly?"

Suddenly, it got quiet.

Zack thought about it before opening up his mouth.

"Well for me and Kelly, we really didn't talk much about it, but we're hoping to go long distance." Zack replied, truthfully while opening up his locker.

"Well I don't know Zack, many long distance relationships don't really last that long." Screech said.

"He's right, you know. You guys are young and who knows, maybe you'll both meet someone else while you're away." Zack huffed in frustration.

"What's your point?"

"My point is, it would be really hard to make it work." Slater answered.

"Well you're both wrong. Me and Kelly's love for each other is far greater than any obstacle or person that gets in our way. We would totally make it work." Zack preached in an upset and stern tone. He then closed his locker after getting everything he needed for class.

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