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||Best friend


The action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.

Yoongi's POV

I was playing games on my phone since it was lunch time until my friend Jackson came along with his noisy self.

"YOONGI MY MAN!!" He shouted as he slammed himself down beside me.

"What do you want Jackson?" I said annoyed.

"I've been hearing a rumour going around" jackson said with a cheeky smile.

"What rumour?" I asked.

"That your little nerdy boyfriend is cheating on you" Jackson stated.

*Stare* " really? Jimin cheating on me?" I repeated not believing a word out Jackson's mouth.

"Hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's what I heard but the kicker information that shocked me the must is that they think he's cheating on you with Hoseok" Jackson stated

I rolled my eyes. "Come on Jackson you know the people your talking about Hoseok doing something like that is unbelievable" I stated going back to my game.

"Well it's just a rumour but you never know" Jackson said before the bell rang indicating the start of the next session.

Hoseok's POV

I was eating my lunch on the roof like all the main characters of anime do. When Jimin burst through the door and marched right to me.

"Seriously dude stop following me" I stated.

"I'm n-ot here to watch you this time I'm hungry" Jimin said as his red eyes stare right at me.

"Umm what am I going to do about that?" I asked as I stuffed piece of bread in my mouth.

"I was wondering if you would give me a small itsy bitsy amount of blood so I can hang over? 🥺👉👈" Jimin asked.

"No" I said getting ready to leave.

"Please hyung just a small amount I won't bite your neck just a small cut will be enough" Jimin chased after me.

"No!!!" I yelled holding onto the door knob.

"Please I'm begging if I don't drink something soon I might start attacking people and I'm gonna call your name" Jimin threatened.

"My name?!! i have nothing to do with this" I stated.

"Tell that to the judge when were both going to prison together" Jimin said

*Inhale* *exhale* "what am I supposed to do?"

"Yeah!! Okay give me you hand"

I followed Jimin's orders and gave him my hand.

"What are you going to do ahhhhhh!!" I yelled as Jimin cut my hand with a knife.

"What the hell why didn't you warn me?!!!" I yelled.

"You would have complained plus I already did it😁" Jimin said as he put the knife away.


Jimin then looks at my now bloody hand and licked his lips. I don't know why but I feel short of breath.

Jimin longed out his tongue and licked over my bloody cut. I hissed in pain and soon after I felt hot.

"I have venom in my fangs, so you'll feel less pain" Jimin said as he continued to lick my hand.

I just stood there and watched, something about this feels oddly sexual, the way he puts my fingers in his mouth and suck it clean of any blood made me gulp.

"All done!" Jimin stated and I snapped out of my trance.

"Yeah I'm all better" Jimin said as he walked passed me.

"Wow not even a thank you you ungrateful child!!" I shouted.

He then turns around and smiles huge eyes smile "thank you Hoseokie hyung💕"  and then runs off.

I chuckle to my self, no lie Jimin is really cute and adorable but he's so childish Maybe that's what yoongi likes.

I walked down the stairs not knowing someone was watching us the entire time.

Author's POV

Jungkook was skipping class as usually, he would hang out at the library since he and librarian are "good friends".

"*Sigh* I'm hungry" he says as he stares out the window. "I would din my usual people but I want someone different.

I looked outside searching for someone when someone's arousing scent caught my interest.

"Well hello my next meal 😁"

Jungkook opens the window and jumped from the fifth floor and landed on the ground.

Not too far from him was the slim beauty in glasses reading an unidentified book.

Jungkook smiled to himself and walked towards him. He then slides beside him on the bench and put his arm around his shoulder.

"Hello cutie" he calls placing finger on his chin and lift it up, there eyes meet.
"Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?"

*Giggles* a melodic deep voice enters jungkook's ear. "Your wrong so that means I kiss you right?" the other said showing off his adorable box smile.

|| End of Chapter 7

Jimin went live🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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Jimin went live🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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