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||  Rumors


unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Author's POV

It's been a few days since the roof top incident, Hoseok is still not at school because his fever is getting worst and Jimin hasn't been able to talk to Yoongi since.

"Yoy Yoongi have you heard the rumors, it says your boyfriend has been fucking the whole football team" a random student yelled on top of his lungs.

"What???" Yoongi said completely confused until Jackson came in with his phone in hand and showed yoongi a video.

It was darkly lit video with the face of star foot ball player being shown along with a figure that was sucking on his neck, that person's face wasn't being shown clearly but from the outfit and that Jacket which was the one yoongi gave Jimin for they're three weeks anniversary it could only be Jimin.

"Wow damn Yoongi I didn't know that little nerd was such a slut" another student joked causing the other's in the classroom to burst out laughing.

But Yoongi was pissed, because he was already upset about the incident on the roof and Jimin keeping secrets from him "this" just tipped him over the edge.

Yoongi pushed back his chair harshly causing it slam on the ground as he proceeds to march to the door, Jackson called his name but he was simply ignored.

Yoongi furiously made his way to the first year classrooms, he slam class 1 A's doors open and immediately found Jimin seated by the window gazing out into nothing.

This seemed to make yoongi more angry, he went to Jimin grabbed his arm and began to pull him out of the classroom.

"Hyung!!! Hyung!!! Let go please!!!!!" Jimin begged completely bewildered as to way the older was being so aggressive.

After a couple of minutes of walking they reach the back of the school. Yoongi pushed Jimin against the wall and started talking.

"Jimin I want you to tell me the fucking truth and if you lie to me and refuse we have to break up" yoongi demanded.

"What???" Jimin said flustered by the whole situation.

"Just tell me the fucking truth, your finding something from me that you can tell Hoseok but you can't tell me, I'm your damn boyfriend and you don't even trust me enough so it's making it hard for me to trust you so be honest with me WHAT ARE YOU HIDING????"

Jimin paused for a second, running the options in his head, what is he going do? he can't lie (Jimin's a terrible lair) and he can't tell the truth Yoongi would treat him like a monster.

Jimin rubbed his hands together nervously. Thinking over and over and over and over and over again.

"JIMIN SPEAK!!!!" Yoongi shouted the other to flinch from the loud voice.

"I-i can't tell you" Jimin stuttered out finally decidimg that he couldn't tell yoongi, he doesn't know the outcome if he did plus he can't put both himself and Jungkook in danger anymore.

"That's wonderful to hear Jimin, you know I never expected our relationship to end this way, neither did I expect the type of person you are, your disgusting Jimin" Yoongi stated of anger.

Jimin stood there in shock -why was he saying this ??? I already told him nothing is going on with him and  Hoseok so why doesn't he believe me- Jimin thought to himself.

"Jimin we're over don't ever fucking speak to me again" and that was the last thing Yoongi said before leaving a completely broken and confused Jimin behind.

Jimin didn't know if he should cry or run or anything, he just stood their and looked up into the sky until he felt rain drop down to his face causing him to finally Break down.

"What the hell his going on??" Jimin said in-between his cries.

An hour later Jimin came back inside dripping wet from rain, he noticed all around him people stared and whispered but he didn't know why.

When he arrived to his locker the answers to questions were presented, he saw pictures of his face paste on his locker with slut and whore written all over it.

There was many other bad words and insults along with a note saying "imagine fucking with so many people at the same time couldn't be me"

Jimin was a virgin.

He hasn't given himself to anyone much less multiple of people at the same time.

A bunch of kids came up to him a began to mock him

"Like really you had the Min Yoongi but you couldn't satisfy"

"Used come rag"

"Fucking slut"

"Just couldn't keep your damn legs close whore"

Jimin gripped tightly onto his uniform before sprinting out of the school(not with super speed even though he really wanted to). He have no fucking idea where he was going but he just didn't want to be here.

||End of chapter 13

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