Classes are a know what i mean?

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Math went by SOOOO slowly I thought id fall asleep. Science went even MORE slowly, I did fall asleep. Finally it was third period, which meant History! "Hi Madison!" "Shhhh!Ash, this is a classroom not an amusement park." I guess I was a little loud, but that was no reason to be so rude about it. "Sorry, but I've been waiting two periods for history, I don't think I deserve such rudeness." I told her. I think. "Excuse me? I was just letting you know." I can't believe she just said that! She's supposed to be my best friend! "Letting me know what? That I'm in a classroom? Cause I'm pretty sure I know that Madison." I was mad. So mad I got up and moved to the back of the class room (I have been in the front in the desk next to hers). I could see her roll her eyes but she was being rude and she deserved to know. At the end of class she got the nerve to talk to me. "Ash, your being very immature. And I don't wanna be seen with an immature just don't talk to me from now on." WHAT?!?! I was FURIOUS. She did not get the last word. " listen Madison. You can call me names and walk around like a pressed-up popular girl with overly permed hair and a crop-top shirt that looks two sizes too small for you with jeans so tight, when you sit down they scrunch up and cut off your circulation, but you have absolutely no business telling ME I'm immature, cause you aren't a piece of pie either. And so next time your coming near me, just don't." Her face turned bright red and I turned around and walked away. I felt pretty good about what I did...I stuck up for myself. I was so mad when I was walking down the halls. I couldn't handle any more drama. Just then guess who showed up! Reed Cummings. She used to be Madison and i's best friend, but since she got her ears pierced last summer,she thinks she's too cool for us."oh look it's Ashley!" She was so sarcastic I thought I was gonna barf. I didn't want anymore drama, so I decided to be cool. "Hi Reed." I'm surprised how calm I managed to sound. "What are you doing here?" I knew what she was doing,and I knew it well. "I-Go-To-School-Here" I said that as if I was talking to a kindergartener, she looked stunned but before she could say anything, I kept talking. "And yes I'm 14 just like you, and I'm getting my ears pierced next week and your no better than me! Ok?so get your priorities straight. Ok? Now just if you could leave me alone I would appreciate it." "Oh, Ashely I know your 14...sorry. And your getting your ears pierced! That's great. I'll leave you alone now. Come on girls" she turned around and strutted off with her "girls" following her. I was glad she was gone. I went to three of my other classes and they went ok...I had a funny feeling when I saw Madison in the hall though, and I didn't like it so later I decided I would call to apologize. Cause I KNEW she wouldn't apologize first. YAY!!!!!!!! Schools over!!! Now if my mom could just come and pick me up already. Uh she's taking forever. Finally she's here! "Hi mom!" "Hey girl! How'd high school go?" "Oh, not too good. I had this fight with Madison. I think I'm gonna apologize to her when I get home,if that's ok." "Of course!!! And that's too bad..." My mom always makes me smile. One of the big reasons I love her so much! "Mom...can I get my ears pierced?" She looked at me surprised...this wasn't a good sign."Your ears pierced?" "Mom! Madison got her ears pierced when she was 2 years old! Why can't I get my ears pierced? I'm 14 years old." "I guess your right, I just never thought you were into that kind of stuff." "Mom! I'm a girl! Of course I'm into that kind of stuff!" "We'll ok then. You can get your ears pierced." YAY!!!!!!!! I can't believe she said yes! "Oh! Thank you thank you!!!!!!" I practically jumped out of the car. I couldn't wait for 4:00.

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