I knew I was a blushing mess at the sight of this.
Why tf does this guy get me all flustered???

He finished and gave me a smirk.
I leaned into him and whispered
"New kink unlocked."
We both had a laugh over it mine being more of a chuckle while he was clutching his sides laughing.

"Y/n why the fuck are you so flustered? Care to share with the class." Katsuki said making the attention shift from Denki to me.
"Katsuki you son of a bitch." I huffed under my breath.
"Why are you getting all defensive. Did you and your boyfriend fuck or something afterwards."
That fucking bitch.

"WHAT NO." I sighed I put my hand over my face.
"I don't have the energy to prove my innocence. I'm off to take a nap. Wake me a few before my fight."
I said turning and walking back to the locker room we were all in before the first round.

——- Denki POV
"What the fuck happened to blood bitch?" He asked / yelled at me.
"Oh nothing. Just that she discovered she had a blood kink." I said in a joking tone.

"I can't say I'm any different though."
I said as I sat down. I looked over my shoulder to see Kiri looking at me with wide eyes.

"Shitty hair I swear to god. Pika probably fucked her and she used her quark or something."
"Bakugo for the last time we haven't fucked...... yet."
"Ew gross pika we don't wanna talk about your sex life." Bakugo yelled.
"you're legit the one that started this conversation." I said.

Sero was listening and started to become more interested in the conversation.
"I DO." He yelled making me laugh.

———— y/n POV (but in ~dream land~)
I can't believe I failed that mission I could of done it.
I heard foot steps above me.

I was sitting in the chair that I always did for my punishments, In a cold dark basement.
The door creaked open with a golden light shining down the stairs of the basement.
"So I heard you didn't complete your mission?" Dabi spoke. He was younger back then not older then 16 at the time.
He took out what I like to call the nail ripper.

"So we gonna pull a Tokyo ghoul or something?" I don't know why I decided to joke in this situation
"Umm sure? I mean it is a good tactic we don't want you going crazy or something." He said with an evil smirk.

Chills went down my spine. I knew what was gonna happen. I hated it, I just want to be let free or killed it would be way better.

He pulled my my hair up so I stood out of the chair. My arms and legs bound with chains.

"You're lucky y/n the boss was going to come down here and do this him self."
He said whispering in my left ear.

He brought my head down only to be met with his knee.
He brought me back up. His grip so tight on my hair it made my head jerk all the way back. I felt liquid run down from my nose and mouth.

"What's wrong? Did you not feel that? Is that why you didn't scream?"

He kneed me in the stomach making my cough and fall to my knees. I tried my best not to show that I was weak, I tried not to make any noise.

He grabbed the Higurashi looking thing that rips off nails.
God fucking damn it.
He sat me back in the chair.

"You know what to do. 2 this time."
He said sitting on the floor watching me.

I put my ring finger in the thing. There's 4 hook things that go under the two sides of your nail.

There's a lever that connects to the hooks. If I pushed down enough it makes the hooks go up. Aka your nail rips off.

"Y/n why are you hesitant? I know it's two this time but you've done this before." He mocks.

I didn't express any of this. Well at least the best I could. The one thing that always pushed me to do it each time is the fact that pain is all in your head.

It only hurts if I think it does, right?
I start yelling and slammed down the lever.
I open my eyes and see what I already knew. My nail off to the side and blood running out of my finger.


Dabi stood up and put his hand on my head.
"Good job y/n only one more."

I look at him with tears in my eyes.
I can't do this anymore.
"Please Dabi." I basically whispered.
"What was that y/n? You're going to have to speak up for me to hear you." He growled in my ear.
"Please Dabi, please kill me. Or let me kill my self I can't do this anymore."
I said while weeping.
"No can do. Bosses orders you gotta stay alive. Now if you can't do the other nail I'll do you a solid and rip it off for you." He said looking down to me.
I just nodded my head.

He put my nail in it and puts down on the lever slowly.
I started screaming and thrashing around.
————- time skip until after Dabi was done with you

As he walked out of the room he threw something back in the room and shut the door. I shuffle over to what was on the floor. I picked up a picked knife. On it was a note.
I'm doing you a favor if you did want to end it, I wouldn't blame you if you did but don't do something stupid and try to leave with your quark or something. I'm letting you take the easy way out.

I started crying again rereading to note.
Should I really do this? Should I really end it?
When I finally decided what to do I stopped crying and just felt.... empty?

I flipped open the blade and pressed it against my for arms.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Just remembering it was bad now I have to relive it in my dreams. I stare at the ceiling and hear my round being announced coming in 10 minutes.

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