"i know what you mean. i just want to stay with you forever." he moved his head up and kissed me with love. we both want to stay with eachother. when we broke apart, i thought of something. "hey, i got an idea."


"how about, when you get out of high school, we get an apartment. just the two of us, plus jedi. how about that?" he met my  eyes, and they were shining. he looked so happy.

"Yes!" he said almost yelling out of happiness, "i would love to do that!" he seemed so happy about that. i wanted to do just that. when he's out of high school, we can do exactly that. 

1 week later...

it was friday, and noya was leaving the next day. he was packing his things, and after he was done, he went to take a shower. i went over to my closet, and grabbed one of my hoodies, and slipped it into his bag. i figured he'd like it, and i smiled to myself. he sometimes borrowed a hoodie and slept in it, and it was adorable. im giving him one to keep, and i hope he likes it. noya came out about 10 minutes later, in his pj's. he climbed into the bed with me and we cuddled. we probrably would do 'it' but we both know that noya's gonna be covered in hickeys, and its gonna be hard to cover them. we ended up kissing for a little while before we both settled into sleep, him in my arms, cuddled into me.

we woke up the next morning, sad, since noya was leaving today. we got dressed, and went down to watch a movie, and have breakfast. noya, brought his bag down, and left it on the couch. we kissed a little every now and then, but we were both sad noya was leaving today. my parents got home at noon, and they thanked noya for staying with me, telling him hes always welcome back. he grabbed his bag and went to the doorway, and while my parents were getting to know jedi, noya kissed me goodbye. i kissed back, and held him close for a few seconds. when i let go he went and kissed jedi goodbye. he left, and we were both sad. we can at least see eachother at school, so its not like we're saying goodbye forever. 

later that night i went back to my room to see something i wasent expecting to see. i saw one of noyas drawings, on my bed, in a frame. it was one of us together.

(not mine! credit to the artist!)

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(not mine! credit to the artist!)

he left a note with it.

'dear asahi

i know how you really like my drawings, and i wanted to give you one of them. i drew this a few days ago, and got it framed for you, to keep it safe. take good care of it. i love you so much, i cant even begin to put it into words, so i try and put it into my art. ive never been good with words anyways, but im gonna try. asahi, i love you. you make me feel safe, and i know you'll always be there for me, to back me up, and support me. and ill do evrything i can to keep you safe. 

i love you! <3


i smiled. i love him so much, and this gift, means everything to me. its so preshius to me, and im gonna make sure mothing happens to it. but one thing. 

i take the back of the frame off, and place the note carefuly in the frame. this way, i wont lose the note either. i put the back of the frame back on, and place the picture on my desk. (its one of those frames you can prop up.) i smile to myself, and i cant wait to see noya on monday. 

noya pov:

when i get home, i see my parents, and we all hang out. we put on 'the shining' and enjoy the movie, and all chill. i go to my room later and unpack my things. im half way through when i see something. i take it out, and my eyes go wide, while a huge grin spreads its way onto my face.

its one of asahis hoodies.

i put on the oversised hoodie my boyfriend gave me, and kinda, hug myself... dont queshtion it. i put my hands in the pocket, and notice something. i pull it out, and its a note. i read it.

'dear noya,

i love you, and i wanted you to have this. i know i'll see you on monday, and i honestly wish it would come faster, i just want to hold you, and keep you close to me. i know im missing you already, and jedi is too. i love you to the moon and back, and im always gonna be by your side. im so lucky to be your boyfriend, and i cant even begin to describe how happy you make me.

i love you, so much <3


i smile to myself and hold the note to myself. i remember i have an empty frame, and put the note there, and leave it on my desk. i hug myself in the hoodie a second time before finishing unpacking, and going to sleep. when i fall asleep, i cant stop smiling to myself softly. before sleep takes its hold on me i mumble four words to myself.

"i love you asahi."

i hope you guys enjoyed this book, and were happy with the ending. i am satisfied with this ending, and i dont regret my choice to end this book. there will be others, and this defenetly will not be my last asanoya story. 

thank you, for reading this book.

- authour-chan.

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