the trip

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ok so before we start this chapter, just know, i will stop taking votes for which story to make on the side on 9/30/2020. so if you want to vote on which one, just know you do have a limited time frame! a reminder on the options! they are a fluff one shot, and hanakai sickness! i only have 3 votes so far so be sure to vote on which you want!

noyas pov

me and asahi have been getting closer since that little incident at the cat cafe. we have been sleeping together more often and cuddling while we sleep. exchanging more kisses between each other too. it was nice. we would cuddle often and jedi sometimes decided that he wanted cuddles as well, so he joined in with our cuddles. it was really cute.

it was Saturday morning, and we were arranging a neighbor to take him in until we got back. he doesn't seem to dislike him too much, so its all good. we dropped him off last night, since we were leaving really early in the morning. it was the next day at about 4 in the morning, and we were leaving at 5:30. i was snuggled up against asahi, since we slept together last night. it was warm, and felt safe. i never wanted to leave when we cuddled, but i had to. wait isn't that a thing a bottom would say? im not a bottom! (sure noya. sure.) anyways i got up, after giving asahi a gentle kiss on the cheek, and went down to make breakfast. i got out everything i needed and made some bacon and pancakes. by the time i was done, it was 4:45. time to wake up asahi!

asahi pov: 

i woke up at about 4:40 and groggily went to give noya a good morning kiss, but he wasent there. i sat up and looked around my room in a panicked state, when i smelt bacon. i instantly calmed down, knowing he was just making breakfast. i went to my bathroom to take a shower. by then, it was 4:43.

back to noya's pov:

i went up the stairs and went into asahi's room. i saw he wasn't in bed, which is a sign he was awake at least, but i didn't really know where he was. i saw a light on in the bathroom, and thought to myself, 'is he in the shower?' i walked over to the door, and listened for water, and sure enough, the sound of water running. i felt my face heat up for some reason. my mind wandered a bit to some dirty thought and i felt myself get a bit hard. i shook my head and opened the door, so it would be easier to talk to him.

"noya? that you?"

"y-yeah its m-me. i f-fi-figured id l-let you know t-that breakfast i-is ready." i said embarrassed. get yourself together yuu! 

"okay! ill be down in 10"

"a-alright!" i said before i closed the door. 'oh be still my racing heart.' i thought to myself as my heart was pounding in my chest. i went to my room to grab my bag and i put it downstairs on the couch. i sat waiting for asahi to come down so we could eat together. 15 minute later asahi came down, and i got up from the couch. "ready to eat?" i said as i went up to him. he gave me a quick kiss.

"yeah! whats for breakfast?"

"bacon and pancakes." i said with a smile on my face. we sat down and ate breakfast. i winked at asahi, and his face went red. i love making him embarrassed. its so cute! we finished eating and i took a quick shower after a couple more quick kisses from asahi, and spiked  my hair up in its usual style. when i came back down i was dressed in some comfortable shorts, and a white tee shirt. i threw on my volleyball jacket, and came down. "you ready to go?" i asked asahi when i came down.

"yeah. we better get going!" we grabbed our bags, and went out the door, asahi locking it behind it. it was 6:20 and we were 8 minutes away from were we needed to be in 10 minutes. we walked in a comfortable silence. asahi got a call while we were walking. it was suga. "hey suga... yeah we're on our way right now... yeah... SUGA!... no we haven't.... yes, but i dont know if hes ready to.... suga!... it will happen when it happens just stop!... ok yeah... listen we'll be there in a minute... later!" and he hung up with a slightly red face. 

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